Chapter 9: Wrath and revenge pt.2

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   ---Corabil perspective---

   Corabil swiftly went upstairs. He knew the two humans were not stupid enough to go to the first floor. At least he hoped they weren't that stupid. Then he would have to think stupid, which he wasn't good at. Even of he made this simple mistake and should've taken more precautions, he was still very smart. He was able to find the gem, and turn this whole laboratory into his hidout for the latter of 4000 years. If he could do that, he could avenge his species.

   He knew to find the two and put an end to their and his suffering he would need backup. Even with his advanced hearing, he had already lost track of them. He would collect his Gem of Eather, and with that his magic will be strong enough to use his most powerful magic.

   And so Corabil started running to the most secure place in the massive lab: The Vault. Soon he reached the hidden elevator and he was going up. the lab was four stories tall. Each floor housed around a hundred rooms and each floor was mostly discernable from the others. He made it to the third floor where the vault was hidden, and he was rushing to the vault. He went through a series of unsuspecting rooms and doors until he reached the vault. He typed in the passcode, and there it was. One of the only Gems of Eather in existence. On this planet he only knew of six, four of which had been destroyed, the other ones whereabouts unknown to him.

   Corabil grabbed the gem and gathered all of his power. Soon he was ready and cast his most powerful spell. What magicians would call an Eather Spell. Corabils Eather Spell summoned a shadow spirit to do whatever he wished of it using shadow magic.
   "Summon the human and magician to me now great spirit!" Corabil demanded. With a flare of darkness, Elz and Nathan appeared in front of Corabil.
   "What in the world was that?!" Elz asked incredulously. "Is the shadow spirit your Eather Spell?" The shadow spirit binded the two and Corabil brought them to the fourth floor.

---Nathan and Elz Perspective---

   The fourth floor was the biggest floor. It had a large balcony facing out into a beautiful cave. The cave had a large river going through the middle of it, and was covered in moss and flowers, along with glowing blue ore. The ore was the same colour as the glowing blue squares Nathan and Elz saw near the entrance to the lab.

   Corabil spoke up. "Welcome to the most beautiful place on this planet. The only place that hasn't been ruined by you humans and magicians. The burial place of my people." Nathan and Elz could see tears coming to Corabils eyes, remembering his family and friends, who died from the tragedy thier people sparked. But Elz couldn't let Corabil hurt Nathan for that. No there had to be a way to save Nathan and Corabil at the same time.

   "It's too bad you will only be able to see this once Nathan. Elz I was thinking you could become my Butler," Corabil said. "Once I transform Nathan into one of my own I shall bury him alive with my ancestors and my revenge will be done. Maybe if you become strong enough in your magic, you can join my shadow spirit!" Corabil laughed as a platform raised up. Corabil took Nathan into it.
   "Now you will learn my wrath!" Corabil laughed, as Nathan began to scream.

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