Chapter 8: Wrath and revenge pt. 1

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   Nathan and Elz ran through the place. They didn't really know where they were. Wherever it was it was huge. They ran through corridor after corridor. They saw many open and closed doors but no one else. The hallways had orange wallpaper and white baseboards, the floors matching the white baseboards. The corridors were long and tall the steel doors on either side spaced out perfectly. Each room had a small label. Nathan could read some of them. 'Networking, woodworks, iron supply, ion charger, biological waste,' just to name a few. It seemed they were inside a ginormous laboratory hidden beneath the surface of their planet for who knows how long.

   As they raced through the strangely quiet halls they came upon a mysterious staircase. It seemed to lead upward, but it ended before you could reach the next floor. They heard the sound of Corabil heading there way, and knew they had to hide. Elz using his magic opened the door to their right labelled 'new paintings,' and they ran in, shutting the door behind them. The room was fairly small, and had steel shelves across it. The shelves were filled with paintings, all of them by the same person: Corabil. They climbed the shelves which seemed stable enough, and found a vent. They heard Corabil checking the doors, so they scrambled to open it and crawled inside.

   They started to move through the ventilation until they found a way up. They entered a room full of books. Each one labelled journal with a different year. Each one by Corabil. The latest one was from this year, 45,789, and the oldest being from the year 41,379. Inside they saw that the oldest was from when Corabil was just born, making them 4,410 years old. They knew Corabil wasn't close, so they checked through the journals to try and find out what made him seem so desperate to create a second Xonoli. They knew he was the last one on this planet, so maybe it was just instincts, but why would he want to harm a human. And for revenge at that.

   They found that in the year 43,611, humans arrived at this planet which his species inhabited for over 10,000 years. They started mining and colonizing which caused so much disruption that it made their home and environment start to decay, and that meant that the Xonoli started to as well. They found out he is too old to reproduce, so all he can do is try and finally avenge his dead species.

   Meanwhile Corabil was starting to get very frustrated. He couldn't find his victims, until he heard rustling coming from the room of all his paintings he had made so far this year. He started to run toward it. He summoned his magic and a red glow overtook him, and his speed increased incredibly. He ran into the room to find nobody inside. This was infuriating. He decided to use his magic once again and summoned a yellow aura around him. This summoned an increased hearing to try and hear where they are. He heard banging from the ventilation shaft, and he had his target found.

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