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Sorry for the time skips guys I don't want to surround this whole thing around a dark time for Ja. Elated that he got the help that he needed for himself. So excited to see him come back to the game! Rooting for you 12 💙
~ Sev 🪽

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"Sev I swear if the food here is nasty, you paying" Ja slammed the door to the car as they hopped out into the restaurant parking lot. "I swearrrr their burgers are so fire, have I ever steered you wrong? All the food places you've tried this month how many of them was nasty?" Sevyn rolled her eyes as she followed behind him into the restaurant. The pair sat at an empty booth across from each other.

As they waited for their orders Sevyn just sat smiling at Ja in awe. "How'd we get here?" Sevyn asked as she sighed happily. "What are you talking about?" Ja laughed in confusion. "I definitely didn't think from that first day in Miami at Versace that you'd be spending your summer driving us around, trying all my favorite restaurants, sleeping in my bed every night and turning my house into a party spot for you and your friends." Sevyn spoke before sipping her smoothie.

"Well, from the second night in Miami on the yacht" he mocked her as he spoke, "I knew I wanted to be with you." Sevyn rolled her eyes and playfully hit him, "why 'cause we fucked?" She asked this in a playful way but was serious about the question. "Yeah, well no, because you knew what you wanted and you took it, took charge and handled everything. I like that, that feeling of being led and not the leader especially with you, it was sexy" Ja smiled.

After receiving their food and getting half way through their meals with pointless conversation in between the question that has been festering in Sevyn's mind finally had the opportunity to come out. "Why haven't I been to your house yet? You've been there 5 times since you been at mine.." Sevyn asked as she took a quick bite of her burger trying to avoid eye contact.

"We can go this weekend if you want? I need to get some stuff anyways." Ja responded without hesitation "tired of me being around you all the time already?" Ja scrunched up his nose as he watched Sevyn staring directly in her face. "No, it's fun having you here, it's just you always seem happier when you're there"she just looked down at her plate twirling her fork around her fries as she spoke.

"I wouldn't say happier, every time I go back it's for family stuff like family parties, barbecues and last time I went was Kaari's dance recital so it's like a different energy. If you want to come next time you can, just let me know" Ja shrugged and finished his food. "No it's okay I enjoy when you just randomly pop back in over here" Sevyn smiled as him telling her that she was welcome to join him next time eased her nerves.

The last relationship Sevyn was in her boyfriend not only beat her up for discovering he was cheating but he also traveled back and forth from her home to his. The difference is he wasn't traveling back to his own home he had a whole secret life, a child and a baby mother whose home he lived in. One day deciding to pop in on him because she had a booking in his city, Sevyn went to his home where she was met by the baby's mother.

Neither of them knew of each other but the childs mother was very mature about the situation, they didn't fight nor argue. When he found out that the two women had spoken he came to Sevyn's booking waiting outside for her to beat on her. Leaving her with a black eye, broken rib and busted lip, his reasoning was that she "ruined his life" and although she didn't expect Ja to be the type of person the thought of him having a whole other life still lingered in her mind. He already had a child who knows what else could be going on behind her back?

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