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" In all honesty man, I would have loved to keep this out of the media and courts because quite frankly it's embarrassing. But its people in this world that need that attention, all they know how to do is seek and destroy. They thrive off seeing others as miserable as them, but me and my lady, we're not letting this situation put a strain on our lives. We're doing what's best for our little family." Ja shrugged as he spoke to KD on his podcast.

KD;"You're absolutely right man,
speaking on you and your lady are
you excited about tomorrow?"

Ja; "yeah man, I can't wait"

KD; "What you hoping for another
girl or you ready for a boy?"

Ja; "Definitely a boy man,
I can't wait to have a little
Ja running around giving
everybody hell like his pops."

KD; "I'm happy for you man
for real, but more into the
lawsuit, can you speak on that yet?"

Ja; "Ah man, the only thing I
can say is, it doesn't pay to lie
and try to ruin peoples lives for fun
especially when the truth is easily
accessible and they have more
money than you."

Ja left the room after the podcast and headed out to the car, Dtap handed Ja his phone and asked if he wanted to do his First Take call today or day after tomorrow. "Sevyn?" Ja asked ignoring the question, "well... when I called she said 'fuck you and that nigga' and hung up" Dtap shrugged. Ja sighed, since the situation has gotten out Sevyn left that night and hasn't returned home since. Although they spoke on the phone very few times they haven't communicated much. Ja has been waiting for her to come home any day now but it was starting to feel pointless. He's been traveling lately, doing interviews and preparing for the upcoming season it's been slightly distracting but he couldn't help but worry about the future of his relationship.

They reached the airport and oddly somebody had called paparazzi and they were waiting for him in front. "Ja! Is it true you slept with Jade while Sevyn was in the hospital after getting shot?" "Did you know the woman took those pictures of you in the doctor's office?" "Is it true Adam Silver is lifting your suspension because of this?" "Are you and Sevyn still together, are you going to get married?" "Is it true you hired that guy that shot your girlfriend?!" Ja's security shielded him as he ignored the absurd questions but the last one ticked him off more than he expected. "What type of dumbass question is that? Fucking idiots. I play ball right? How about y'all ask me some basketball related shit huh?" Ja spoke as they continued walking.

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