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TRIGGER WARNING gun violence. This may be in poor taste given what's circulating around Ja, so I won't include him at all in the violence but I'm using this chapter as an outlet to share my experience with the world. On May 27th this year I was victim to a random act of gun violence while leaving a party. I was shot in my right shoulder, right side and grazed on my left thigh. Fortunately my arteries in my shoulder weren't hit and the bullet was just centimeters from my kidney, I'm just glad to be alive. By the grace of God none of the other 3 people that were also injured have passed. My therapist suggest I get back to writing since it is an outlet for me and doing the things I like to do so this will be a trial run for me on whether or not I feel like getting back in to this. After being shot in the story everything after the ambulance is made up I cried from the moment I woke up in the hospital until I went home!!! I did make a few tiktoks though 😂. So thank you guys for being patient with me while I've been and still am recovering and thank you so much for reading!


'The screams were deafening, what is going on?' Sevyn thought to herself as she paused in her tracks. She looked around at the people running and ducking in terror as shots rang out, frozen in her tracks before she was tackled to the ground. "SEVYN GET DOWN" her dad yelled as he pulled her to the ground. Suddenly everything got quiet, as the screeching of cars pulling off faded away. The screams of sorrow and cries of people was the only thing she could focus on. "Sevyn?! Sevyn?! You alright baby girl look at me! I'm right here with you baby you're gonna be just fine" she heard her dad's voice lowly, sounding as if he was in a tunnel. She looked at him confused and panicked when she seen the blood on his shirt.

"You got shot! You have blood on your shirt!" she yelled out to him, she tried to get up and felt a sharp pain in her stomach, her dad gently pushed her back down. "Sevyn don't move please.." her fathers eyes filled with tears. She clutched her side as she looked down to see what it was, discovering her hand covered in her own blood. "No.." she burst into tears as her breath quickened, she quickly realized she was only surrounded by her dad and security and she thought about her friends and family that were around her. "WHERES MANI? WHERE 50? WHERE'S JA? WHERES JA?" she yelled repeatedly to her dad as the paramedics rushed over to her.

"SEVYN?! SEVYN !!! I'm right here baby!! I'll meet you there baby!! We right here!!" Ja yelled from behind security as he tried to fight his way through to get to her. Sevyn passed out from shock and when she woke up she was in the ambulance being rushed to the hospital. "Is everybody okay? Please tell me no one died" Sevyn cried to the paramedic working on her. "Please sweetheart don't talk.. heart rate is spiking.." was the last thing she heard before passing out again. She flashed in and out as she was rushed inside the hospital and all she could see were the bright lights shining in her face.

Ja, Mani, 50, Bri, Marquis & Shay all rode together to the hospital following closely behind the ambulance. The entire ride Ja sat with his head in his hands, Shay and Bri tried calming Mani as she sobbed hysterically. They arrived just in time to see Sevyn being wheeled off to surgery, they ran up to her father Mike and questioned him. He ignored them as a nurse directed them all to a separate waiting room from the emergency room, they all sat away from each other except for Ja who stood by the back window staring out. After about an hour and a half he just walked out, no one questioned him or said a word. He wondered around looking for the bathroom and once he found it he stood in front of the mirror and cried.

No one spoke to each other, Marquis held Bri, 50 sat with Mike, and Shay let Mani fall asleep in her lap. Ja returned sitting furthest away from the group and just waited, everyone's phones buzzed continuously but they just ignored it. After about 2 hours a doctor appeared before them. "Mr Jones?" the woman doctor spoke in a soft voice, everyone hopped up at the voice. "Thats me, is my baby girl okay can I go see her?" he spoke quickly stuttering over his words.

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