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you guys go read the two chapters of my Jordan Poole story 😭🙏🏼 I swear the second chapter is one of my best bodies of work literally ever! I absolutely ADORE that second chapter 🥲. But look at the way his chain & grill is shining? Omgg🫣

 But look at the way his chain & grill is shining? Omgg🫣

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Sevyn watched as Ja packed a few of his clothes in a duffle as he was about to head to the airport since Kaari's birthday is tomorrow. "Babe you seen my white Marni slippers?" Ja asked as he walked out of the closet. "No" Sevyn replied flatly, Ja had been sensing something was off with his girlfriend for the past two days. He decided not to say anything at the time because he figured he didn't do anything so what could she possibly be upset at? She was never this quiet and she's usually up under him constantly, she hasn't even hugged him.

Ja furrowed his brows before back in the room and getting into the bed with Sevyn. "What's up with you Sev? You're quiet and you haven't been acting like yourself, talk to me c'mon." He got under the covers with her as he spoke and she just sighed. "Are you staying there for your birthday?" Sevyn asked raising one of her brows. "I don't know probably, why?" Ja scanned her face trying to see where this was going. "How come you didn't invite me to Kaari's party?" Ja laid there with a perplexed look on his face.

"We literally talked about the party, I assumed you just didn't plan on going and you confirmed last night when you said you wasn't. You can still come Sevyn don't do that." Ja pulled Sevyn closer to him and kissed her forehead. "It's not about me going to Kaari's party, I don't want to intrude on your family time anyways. It's about your birthday, you knew you were going to be out there and I started to plan something for you here. Never once did you say I'm going to be in Tennessee for my birthday, I'm doing this this and this." Sevyn rolled her eyes and proceeded to get out of the bed.

"You never mentioned you had anything planned so I just assumed you didn't. That's my fault you're right and I apologize for that. And what do you mean intrude on family time? You're literally my girlfriend, you've been around Kaari and my babymoms more than once Sevyn don't do that." Ja got up and followed Sevyn as she started to walk away. "Being around during barbecues and stuff is different" she spoke as Ja grabbed her hand stopping her from walking any further. He sat on the bed and pulled her close to her wrapping his arms around her waist laying his head on her.

"Kaari would want you there, I want you there and I'm sure everybody would like to see you. For her birthday and mine, if you really don't want to go baby you don't have to but I don't want you to feel like you aren't welcomed." Sevyn stood stiff for a bit before softening up and hugging him back, "it's fine babe I want you to enjoy yourself with your family and friends. You're constantly with me I know everybody misses you, I can handle a week without you. We'll do something when you get back, and I already shipped Kaari's gift to your parents house." They rocked side to side without saying anything before Ja lifted his head to look at Sevyn.

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