5 ~ What Horn?

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"here Amy you can have one of my old swords" Edmund handed me a mighty silver blade. "do you know how to use it? we never know what we may come across in Narnia you see." he asked

"slightly, my father taught me the basics when I was little but-" I stopped myself from spiralling "but I don't know much"

he chuckled at my nervousness "Well, you have the stance and grip perfect so far" he paused, a smile appearing in his eyes as he lifted his blade "but can you block an attack?" 

My expression shifted to that of a worried individual as Edmund raised his blade and brought it plunging down a hairs width away from me. my reflexed kicked in and i combatted the blade stopping its downward motion, our swords were locked in an x shape. He was staring at me grinning, I breathed, out of breath from the overwhelming adrenaline, my hair swaying in the light breeze from my mouth. Edmund  pulled his sword from mine and I quickly evaded his second strike by ducking below the reach of the spike. I rose back up from my squat and decided to try this attacking thing for myself, I propelled my weapon his way and he, at the last second, deflected my attack.

"As annoying as he is, try not to stab Edmund Amy" Lucy laughed as she walked back over with Susan. 

"we should get going," Susan added "we are burning daylight"

We began to exit the chamber, me and Edmund at the back of the group "that was some fight you put up back there Amy." he said quietly to me "I'm impressed" he smiled.


We made our way to the beach and begun to walk along the level sands that seemed to stretch so far into the distance. 

"so how long did you stay here?" I asked Edmund, We had begun to talk about his adventures his first time here in Narnia. 

"About Fifteen years or so. It was strange, growing up. I never really felt a day older than I was when I arrived." He answered.

"how old did you get?" I the asked, a laugh brewing in my voice. 

"Twenty nine." he replied.

I could not contain my laughter. However it was soon cut off as we reached a rather stony section of the bay and heard sound of muffled screaming. Me and Edmund shared a worried glance and quickly made our way to the source of distress. Edmund Drew his sword and mimicking his actions, so did I. I laid eyes on the issue, A small man was tied up and about to be flung in the costal river to drown, the men holding him were dressed like medieval knights they wore chainmail and iron chest plates with a cold and harsh undertone. 

"Drop Him!" Edmund shouted surprisingly loudly, as Susan readied and aimed her bow.

Drop him, what a silly thing to say, as drop him they did. the two soldiers flung the poor man into the water and as they did an arrow whooshed through the air and pierced the arm of one soldiers, the other, in fear leaped into the water avoiding Susan's unforgiving arrow.

Edmund and peter simultaneously ran and dove heroically into the water after the man Peter swam and rescued him while Edmund brought the boat to shore. I ran over and helped him to pull it onto the sand. 

"drop him? Really" I said sarcastically. 

"like you could have said something better, or even as loud" Edmund laughed as we exchanged eye contact. He peeked  at me, smiling through his wet hair that dangled attractively in front of his eyes. We walked over to the group and lucy had begun to cut the little man loose from his ropes that bound him so tightly. 

"DROP HIM?! ... That's the best you can come up with?" the small man shouted.

Hearing this me and Edmund began to chuckle, "this guy is great" I said to Edmund, which earnt a harsh look from peter and a short chortle from Edmund.

She Who Has Received The Roar- Edmund Pevensie FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin