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May 9, 3310-

"Miss, your son is here to talk with you." a servant says to the queen of sector two.

"Bring him in," she says and turns to her husband. " Do you want to tell him?"

"Let it be," he says as their young son enters the room.

"Who was going to tell me that I have to get married? And who am I supposed to marry?" he shouts.

"Zayn calm down, we were ging to discuss this with you soon."

"Calm down? Calm down?! I'm not ready to get married, or have responsibilities! Why are you doing this to me?" Zayn shouts.

"Son, all the royals have to marry this year. We really should have talked about this with you earlier because now time is short." the king says.

"What do you mean time is short? I could have the rest of my life to get married and you just decide to find me some dumb wife that I know nothing about."

"Zayn you need to realize something," his mother says. "It's the taken year, your father and I are both over fifty."

"What? No this can't be! How?" 

"You need to find a bride so you can become king when we leave."

"All of the royal kids have to. This is a strange occourance but all the royal parents will be taken this year. It's up to you kids to rule."

"No! We can't do this! What, I'm the eldest aren't I? Twenty is not the age to rule!" Zayn complains. "None of us are ready!"

"Sabrina is also twenty, you are fairly capable of being in charge." his dad tells him. "We will find you a wonderful wife that you will love and keep our world running."

"What if I don't love who you choose?" Zayn asks. "What if somehow you choose a horrible person that hates me?"

"It won't happen. We are working with the others to make sure this goes perfectly." his dad says and begins to walk out of the room. "I don't want to hear anymore complaints from you."

"Everything will be ok," the queen says kissing her son on the head before following the king.

Zayn couldn't believe it. He was losing his parents, and being forced to marry some stranger. To top it off he would have to learn how to be in charge of a sector, and get along with the other new rulers who he'd only met once or twice.

"Prince Zayn, you are to come get fitted for the big dinner next week." a servant says and Zayn kicks a nearby chair.

A dinner. That just topped it all.


"I feel rediculous."

"Rose you have no choice."

"Well I should! I'm the damn princess of sector five!" Rose shouts.

"Well then start acting like one young lady! Princesses don't swear, and they respect people." 

"Hard to give respect when I don't get it." Rose says and glares at her nurse.

"Don't make me bring your mother in here." the nurse says and Rose rolls her eyes. "Just be pleasant and tell me which dress you would rather wear for the dinner. You leave tomorrow for sector three and you need to decide."

"They are all horrid. I'd rather go naked."


"Fine, then. If I really have to choose, I say that dark blue one." she says and the nurse smiles.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" she asks.

"No, but breathing in this stupid dress is. Get me out of it!" Rose says and the nurse hurries to help Rose out of the dress.

"Your parents would like a word with you now that you are done." the nurse tells Rose and she sighs before leaving her room to see what kind of torture she had to endure now.

"Rose, wonderful of you to join us." her father, king of sector five, says as she walks into the room.

"Sorry daddy, I was choosing my dress for our dinner." Rose says smiling. She always had to be a sweet girl around her parents.

"No worries darling, come have a seat, we need to talk with you." the queen says and Rose quickly sits down.

"As you know, later this year your mother and I will leave for Jens and you will have to take over."

"Yes dad."

"Well you can't be queen without a king."

"No I can't. So who will I be marrying?" Rose asks.

"That's to be discussed later. Which is why we called you in here."

"This dinner with the other families will be where we will decide how to find sutors for all of you heirs."

"So it will pretty much be the parents talking and I will have to stay with the annoying kids?" Rose asks.

"Rose they are nice people, and they are all older than you." the king laughs.

"They are not nice! Last time I had to be with them Zayn and Niall thought it would be funny to trap me in a closet!" Rose shouts.

"Rose, they are nice and it was a joke. Plus, you get along with Harry don't you?" the queen asks.

"Yeah I guess," Rose shrugs. 

"And Sabrina is nice."

"But Niall and Zayn-"

"No more, you will be nice at the dinner. You better get to sleep soon because we have to leave early tomorrow." the king says.

"If I must," Rose rolls her eyes and hugs her parents before going to her room.

As she laid in bed she thought about all the possibilities of her future husband. Sure she was one of the youngest princesses to get married in a while, but she just wanted a good happy life.



Hey guys! Hope this first chapter was good... Comment, vote, share! I don't really care I just want to know if it's good :)


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