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"That, was the best night of my life." Carli sings as she walks out of the castle with her friends.

"I can't believe you danced with Harry!"

"It was amazing." Carli sighs. Too bad it was over.

Who would now be chosen to marry everyone? Just because they had danced didn't mean they would get married. Who had made good impressions?

"Where is Sabrina?" Queen 1 asks Rose. "She's not in her room." Rose tries to keep it together and think of something to say. 

Of course she wouldn't tell the truth. That Sabrina had snuck out to be with Louis. Who knew what would happen to her?

"I think she said something about going on a walk to clear her head. You know we all have a big discision to make." Rose says.

"Of course you do. See you at the meeting in the morning."

Rose continues to her temporary room and angrily throws all the pillows off the bed. She was supposed to find a husband and she didn't! All she found was Tyler, and she didn't really like him. He was nice but she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with him. Honestly she did like Liam. But she only knew him for a few short minutes. Now he was gone...


"It's strange Niall, I think, I might really like this girl." Zayn says to Niall.

"From what you've said she sounds cool. You never told me her name though." Niall says and Zayn looks at the ground.

"Yeah, that's because I don't think it would work out." Zayn sighs.

"Why is that?" Niall asks.

"I uh, there's another girl that I liked."

"Yeah man, I danced with this one girl once and I couldn't find her again, but I keep thinking about her, though the last girl I danced with kind of stuck in my head too. This will be tough."

"Yeah, but hey it's pretty late and we have a meeting early so we better get to sleep. See you in the morning." Zayn says and leaves Niall's room.


"I don't want you to leave," Sabrina whispers sadly.

"But I need to go love," Louis says and kisses her softly for the milionth time since they met. "The sun is coming up."

"Forget the sun," Sabrina says.

"I'm afraid you will get in trouble if you're not in bed when it's time for you to wake up."

"I'll say I came out for a morning stroll." 

"I don't want to leave either, but just know I will be back soon for the wedding plans." Louis smiles.

Yes, Sabrina told him that he was her only choice, they were getting married. She just had to go to the meeting today and tell everyone her decision.

"I just wish you could stay." she says and he holds her hand tighter.

"Me too." Louis sighs and kisses her once more. "I have to go though. I love you."

"I love you too," Sabrina says and slowly lets go of Louis' hand as he walks away into the trees. She already missed him. It had only been a little over ten hours since they met, but Sabrina knew Louis was the one. He was amazing. She loved him. And he'd be a great king.

She stands up from where they had been laying under a tree and starts walking back to the castle. She passes the back guard and smoothly walks in without a problem. As she is walking into her room she starts feeling how tired she really is and decides that a short nap wouldn't hurt. She flops on the bed and is fast asleep.

"Princess? It's time for you to wake up." a servant says waking Sabrina. It hadn't even been ten minutes since she went to sleep! 

"No, please let me sleep." Sabrina says pulling a pillow over her face.

"You need to get up and get ready. The meeting has been changed and is in half an hour."

"What? This can't be! Why?" Sabrina was suddenly awake and alert. 

"I wasn't told, they just wanted me to come wake you, please get ready." the servant says and Sabrina jumps up and runs to the bathroom without another word.


"I believe that each of you has some kind of idea of who you want as your spouse?" 

All the kids look at each other silently, not wanting to say anything to upset their parents.

"I hope that's a yes. Any way, who ever you tell us now we will find, bring back, and you will go on proper dates to decide if it's a yes or no."

"And if you can't choose we have chosen a person for each of you that could work if needed."

"So just tell us their name and where they are from. Harry, you first." Everyone looks at Harry and he takes a deep breath.

"There are two; from sector 1 her name is Erin, and from sector 3 her name is Carli." Harry says and a servant writes it down.

"Rose? Of course Tyler."

"Yeah, and from sector 5, Liam." Rose says and her parents look at her wide eyed.

"But what about Tyler?" her mom asks.

"You want me to like who I marry, and I like Liam. At least give me a date with him."

"Fine, Niall." 

"I also have two." he admits. "From sector 4 Charis, and sector 5 Massie." 

"Wait, Massie?" Rose asks him. "That's Liam's friend."

"That's weird," Sabrina laughs. "I'll just say that I only found one guy I was interested in and his name is Louis, from sector 4."

"From sector 2, Briana, and umm, from here in sector 3," Zayn pauses and looks across the room at the servant girl who is holding a pitcher of water. "Alana."

Niall looks at Alana and her eyes are wide. 

"Wait, Zayn. Alana?" he asks pointing at her.

"Yes, Alana." Zayn says and smiles at the girl.

"Who knew a servant could be this close to being a queen?" King 3 laughs.

"I did! I was the one who wanted her to come to the ball because I knew she was amazing and could be a great queen." Rose exclaims.

"So we now know who to bring back for the dates. We will hurry to contact them."

"And we will let you know when the dates are."


"Man that's wrong." Harry laughs and Zayn looks at him confused. "A servant?"

"Don't you dare bring that up. Alana is a wonderful girl." Zayn says.

"But she's a servant girl. Hey at least she'll know how to take care of you." Harry jokes and Zayn jumps up from his seat but Niall puts his hand on his chest.


"And obviously she isn't that amazing since you like that other girl. Briana was it?" 

"Harry what is your problem? We are all confused about who to choose. This is a big choice and we have to think carefully." Niall says and Harry shakes his head.

"You think I'm not stressing about this? I am freaking out because soon I won't be a kid any more! Soon we will all be in charge of this country! I don't know what to do and I'm scared!" Harry shouts and they are all three quiet.

"We all are Harry, that doesn't mean you should freak out on us. We need to be here for each other." Niall says quietly.

"I'm sorry Zayn," Harry says and leaves the room quickly.



Hey guys! This chapter is a little boring and more of a filler but I hope it isn't too bad! Not sure when I'll be able to upload again because I'll be away from my computer! I might try to write a chapter on my phone so we will see:)


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