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Lol bed rest is so nice when you have your laptop to keep you company!  ENJOY!



"So, how was your date?" Erin asks Carli when she walks into their room.

"Fine." Carli says and sits on her bed. "Did you know Harry can sing?"

"I, I didn't. Is he good?" Erin asks.

"So good. He sang this song that he said his mother used to sing to him." Carli smiles remembering Harry's angelic voice. "Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?"

"That song? I've heard that song."

"Yes but of course he was much better at singing it." Carli laughs. "I never asked how your date went."

"Oh it was really nice, "Erin says. "I got to know quite a bit about Harry and his charming ways."

"He is charming."

"Yes, but," Erin sighs thinking back over her morning date. "We almost kissed but we were interrupted by a servant and it made me so mad."

Both girls are completly silent in the awkwardness. They were after the same guy, sharing a room, and Erin just admited that she almost kissed Harry. Her mind races, wondering if Carli had kissed Harry, and hoping she hadn't.

"That's one part of being royalty I wouldn't like." Carli finally says. "You never have any privacy! Even inside the castle."


"Hmm, you're back a little late aren't you?" Alana says as Massie sneaks inside the room.

"You're still awake?" Massie laughs and Alana turns on the lights.

"Of course! I haven't talked to you all day, I wasn't going to go to bed without talking about our dates." Alana says and Massie rushes over to sit next to her.

"You first."

"So Zayn and I went for a walk out in the woods but of course some guards were following us. We were walking and talking and laughing, and then Zayn told the guards to stay back. We kept going forward and when we were out of their sights he kissed me!" Alana exclaims and Massie hugs her.

"See! I told you nothing mattered. I knew Zayn really liked you."

"It was the best. I never imagined having my first kiss with a priince and for it to be that amazing!" Alana smiles and then takes a deep breath. "So how was your date?"

"Interesting." Massie smiles. "We were just hanging out in his room not dong much, talking a little and then a servant brought some food in and we were laughing and eating and then he stopped and asked why I avoided him after we danced at the ball. I told him I didn't want to get my hopes up and he said to keep that hope."

"And did you kiss?" ALana urges.

"Maybe more than kiss..." Massie says quietly and Alana squeals.

"So you made out with a prince? With Prince Niall?" Alana asks.

"Yeah, I guess." Massie says. "The most amazing thing is that he doesn't act like anything special. He acts as if he's just a normal guy. Even though clearly he isn't." 

"Zayn just makes me smile." Alana says. "We should probably get to bed though! I don't know what we will have to do tomorrow."

They each climb into their seperate beds and Alana is soon asleep, but Massie just can't help but worry about what would happen. Niall still had a choice.


"Look at this. Have you ever seen such an amazing drawing?" Brianna asks Charis as they get ready for bed.

"Where did you get that?" Charis asks looking over the art.

"Zayn draws." Brianna tells her. "He says he hasn't told many people so I feel pretty special right now."

"Why doesn't he show more people?" Charis asks confused.

"He said it wouldn't matter, but that's why I have this. I'm gong to show more people. They need to see his talents." Brianna says.

"That is a really good picture. I wonder if that is the caslte in his sector."

"It is. I am from sector 2 also and it is like a perfect drawing. Of course it's from the back side but in my school we had studdied pictures of all parts of it."

"Even the inside?" Charis asks.

"No, very few people know what the inside looks like."

"But you soon will. Future queen of sector two." Charis laughs.

"Of course, future queen of sector three." Brianna answers.

"I'm already used to this castle, I can't wait to call it my own home." Charis says. "I just wonder what the master room looks like."

"Like you said," Brianna smiles. "You soon will."


Louis quietly shuts the door as he walks into his and Liam's room. The sun was starting to come up and he can't wipe the smile off his face. Somehow he and Sabrina were able to stay out together all night. 

He couldn't get enough of Sabrina. Her smile, her voice, her laugh, the twinkle in her eyes. Everything about her was just perfect.

"Louis?" Liam says sleepily sitting up. "What are you doing?"

"I, um, was just going to the bathroom." Louis lies.

"Are you just getting back?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, I am." Louis admits.

"You could get in so much trouble." Liam says. "You really love her don't you?"

"More than anything." Louis smiles.

"I'm glad man." 

"How was your date?" Louis asks.

"I think I might really like her too." Liam says and gives a weak laugh. "I just couldn't leave Massie though."

"Wait, your sister?" Louis asks.

"Rose and I made a deal. She said she likes me but doesn't want me to be miserable leaving Massie so if Niall marries Massie I will marry Rose. But if Niall marries Charis Massie and I will both go back to sector 5 and try something else."

"Wow, you'd give up the chance to be king just to be with your sister; who isn't even your sister?" Louis asks and Liam nods. "I don't know if you're crazy or a good guy."

"Me either. I never wanted to be king, ever. But now I'm starting to fall for Rose. I would hate to be cooped up in the castle all the time though; this isn't a life I want."

"I actually understand." Louis says. "Sometimes you need to make sacrafices for those you love. If it's Massie or Rose." 


Ps did you notice how I threw in the part about NO PRIVACY? (I'm taking indirect lessons from Mark Parsons) Congrats to Greg and Denise :)

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