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"Why do we always have to have the parties? I mean it's not bad but I want to travel sometimes. I never get to travel." Niall complains.

"Oh Niall, you love being home and trust me, if you had to travel you would hate it." his friend Josh says as they walk through through the town.

Niall had wanted to get away from the castle for the morning because he knew that in the afternoon he would become the prince. He was always the prince but he didn't feel like it. He liked being out of the castle and just acting like a normal Mathus citizen.

Being from the third sector which was in the middle of Mathus his family always held special events. That's why sector three was better kept, because the other royals were there a lot.

"I can't believe you will soon be a married king." Josh says.

"Yeah me either. I'm not sure what to think exactly." Niall sighs and they stop walking to watch a group of performers.

There were three girls dancing and singing, and it was pretty good; but one girl stood out to Niall. She had long brown hair and was standing at the back, but she still caught his eye.

"Just think that you could get a a hot girl to be your wife." Josh jokes and Niall laughs.

"Who ever she is I just hope she's not rude." he says as the singers finish and the crowd claps. People start giving money to the girls and then going about with their lives. Niall pulls some money out of his bag and walks up to the brown haired girl leaving Josh confused.

"I thought you were amazing, you should perform on your own." he says giving her pay.

"Oh thank you, but I could never go on my own, I'd never make any money." she says shyly.

"You'd make plenty. You could even perform for the royal family." Niall smiles at his own little joke before pulling off his hood.

"Oh! Prince Niall," the girl says quietly and bows.

"There is no need to bow, it's just me." he laughs. "I did think you were great though and I will tell my family about you."

"Man, we gotta go. You have to get ready for tonight." Josh says grabbing Niall's arm and pulling him away, leaving the girl in awe.

"What was that about?" Josh asks as they hurry back to the castle.

"I told her she was good and I'd tell my family about her so maybe she could perform and get good pay." Niall explains.

"Oh that's nice, so what is her name?"

"Shit! You pulled me away before I could ask!"

"Well I bet if you go back in a few days she will be there again, or someone will know of her." Josh says with confidence.

"I sure hope so." Niall says and they walk past the castle guards. "I better get going, it's a lot later than I expected. See you around Josh." he says and runs as fast as he can to get changed before the dinner.


"Welcome Princess Sabrina," the servant says as the sector one royals arrive.

"Thank you," she says and waits for her parents to go in front of her. She looks around the familiar castle and they begin walking towards the dining hall.

"There is only one family still not here, and it's Five." they arer told and let into the great room.

Everyone turns to them and Sabrina smiles.

"Wonderful! You are here!" Queen Three says hapily as they take their seats. "The others should arrive soon. "

"Good evening Princess," Prince Harry smiles at Sabrina as she sits next to him.

"Hello Prince Harry," she says and tries not to laugh. Sabrina and Harry were the closest of all the young heirs, and they had a special brother/ sister relationship. Even when they weren't together they always wrote and kept in touch.

"You're dress is really pretty Sabrina," Zayn tells her from the other side of Harry.

"Thank you, I always enjoy these events because I get to dress up." Sabrina laughs.

The parents talk amongst themselves and so do the kids, and finally the last family arrives. The king and queen smile as they enter the dinning hall, but Rose looks just as annoyed as she really is.

"Sorry we are late, it's such a long ways and we left a little late." the king says.

"No worries, you'rer not late." Queen Two smiles.

"Now that everyone is here we can begin our meal." Queen Three says and rings the bell telling the servers to bring the food out.

The meal doesn't take long and once everyone is done the kids have to leave so the parents can talk. They are taken to the usual room to hang out and quickly Harry and Sabrina are deep in conversation.

"It's about our marriages you know." Sabrina says.

"Yeah that's what I thought," Harry sighs. "I just hope I get some sort of choice with who I marry."

"Usually they do, don't they?" Sabrina asks.

"Usually yes, it's not like our parents say exactly who we marry, but with them procrastinating so long they might not give us time to choose." Harry says.

"You always worry Harry," Sabrina laughs and pushes him playfully. "Lighten up a bit."

"Niall Horan!" Rose screams and Sabrina and Harry turn to see Niall with Rose lifted over his shoulder.

"Say it Rose!" he shouts and Zayn falls on the floor laughing.

"You're going to rip my dress! Put me down!"

"Niall, put her down!" Sabrina yells at him.

"What? I'm just messing around." he says and does as he's told.

"You're such an ass!" Rose yells and punches Niall as hard as she can in the arm.

"Ok, ow. That was unnecesary." Niall says and Zayn stand up and recomposes himiself.

"Rosie you need to stop being so violent. You're going to scare your future husband away." he says and Rose glares at him.

"I feel bad for whatever girls you two end up with. They will have a horrible life." Rose says and leaves the room quickly.

"You guys seriously torture that girl every time you see her, can't you just stop?" Sabrina asks and runs out of the room after Rose.

"Man we were just trying to have fun." Niall says and Harry nods.

"I know, she just doesn't see it like that because she hates you." Harry says.

"Now I feel bad," Zayn sighs.

"Don't soon enough she will be over it and we will all move on." Harry says and a servant comes into the room.

"You all are wanted back with the parents." she says and looks at the ground.

"Alana, did you see where Rose and Sabrina went?" Niall asks the girl.

"I didn't sir," she says and Niall puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Alana, c'mon just call me Niall." he says and she looks up into his eyes.

"I wasn't sure with the others," she says quietly and Niall shakes his head.

"Harry and Zayn are cool, it's no big deal." Niall smiles and ALana smiles back.

"Well then you three need to go, Niall." she emphasizes his name and he laughs.

"There you go," he says and leaves the room with Harry close behind.

"You're name is Alana?" Zayn asks the girl and she nods. "That's a really pretty name." he says and then leaves with the others.

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