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HI! Sorry it's been so long! I've been so busy but now I'm on SPRING BREAK! So hopefully I will be able to write a lot. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out Monday so I will be in bed with my computer but if  I feel like writing I will:)



"I'm nervous." Sabrina says quietly.

"What? Why?" Rose laughs. "You've spent a ton of time with Louis in the past three days." 

"I'm worried about my parents." Sabrina tells her.

"Okay, you love him right?" Rose asks and Sabrina nods. "And you want to marry him and rule your sector with him. So what does it matter? He seems like a great guy as far as I know, and he makes you happy."

"You're right. He is my future husband." Sabrina says and yawns.

"He also keeps you out all night so you don't get sleep, but hey, you should probably get used to not getting much sleep." Rose says and winks.

"Rose!" Sabrina laughs and blushes. "I am just glad I get to introduce him to my parents today. And you get to see Liam again."

"I hope that goes well." Rose sighs. It had been four days since the ball. She had only danced with Liam once but that was enough. He was stuck in her head. But there was also Tyler, and her parents wanted her to marry him. This was crazy.

"It will. Other wise you wouldn't be thinking about him so much." Sabrina says and there is a knock on the door and Alana comes in.

"I was told that everyone will be here in less than an hour." she tells the girls.

"Great, wait, are you coming to the dinner?" Rose asks.

"Yes, I was just let off for the night." Alana sighs and sits down. "I'm so tired. I don't know how I will be able to compete with this gorgeous Brianna girl when I'm just a servant."

"Because you are also beatiful, and obviously Zayn likes you. Other wise he wouldn't have picked you." Sabrina says.

"I don't know.." Alana says and Rose rolls her eyes.

"Listen to us. Sabrina you have a perfect guy and you are worried about what your parents will think. I have two great guys and either way I'll be happy. Alana you get the chance of a lifetime. We should stop doubting ourselves and just go out there and tell life that this is how it's going down. We choose what happens." Rose says and Sabrina starts slow clapping.

"Great speech. I feel awesome now." she says and Rose sticks her tongue out and they all start laughing.

"But you are right. If we doubt ourselves it won't be good." Alana says. "So are we going to get ready or what?"


"How is this even possible? I never wanted to come back to this horrid place again. Stupid princess just wants to yell at me for running out on her." Liam says grumpily.

"I only danced with Niall once, how could he want me here?" Massie asks.

"Be quiet here comes someone else." Liam whispers and Erin walks in.

"Hi, I'm Erin." she says.

"I'm Liam and this is Massie." he says and Massie waves silently. 

"Oh, who are you here for?" Erin asks.

"Princess Rose and Prince Niall; you?" Liam asks.

"Prince Harry," Erin smiles. Harry, he was so wonderful. His green eyes that were the most beautiful things ever, and his curls that looked so soft..

"Wait, I'm not the first one here?" Charis asks as she walks into the room. "Why are we in here, is this like a holding cell?"

"Hello, I'm Erin." she says and holds out her hand. Charis looks at her and fakes a smile.

"I'm Charis. Where is Prince Niall?"

"Niall?" Liam asks and looks at Massie whose eyes are wide. "We don't know where anyone is right now. You're here for Niall?"

"Yes, I am. Why are you here?" Charis asks.

"Princess Rose, and Prince Niall." Liam points to Massie.

"Wait, so I have to compete for Niall?" Charis asks and another girl walks in.

"Oh, hi." she says smiling. "I'm Carli."

"Erin, and that's Charis, Liam and Massie." Erin fills the new girl in.

"How many of us will there be?" Liam wonders.

"I thought there would just be five of us for each heir, but there are already five of us and only one guy, and two of us are going for the same guy. So what if we all have to try and beat out someone else?" Charis asks.

"Why are we beating each other?" Massie asks quietly.

"Oh, you do talk." Carli smiles. "So, I'm guessing you two are here for the same guy."

"Yes." Charis says and Brianna walks in.

"Well hi," she laughs. "I'm Brianna."

"Liam, Massie, Charis, Erin, and Carli," Liam says. "Nice to meet you."

"Wow, a lot to take in." Brianna laughs and now Louis enters.

"Hey people! I'm Louis, future king of sector 1, how do you do?" he says and they all stare at him before Tyler and Alana come in together.

"If everyone is ready the royal families are waiting for us." Tyler says.

"Oh, are you guys servants?" Louis asks.

"No." Alana says quickly. "We are both here for the same reason you all are."

"Except that I am positive I will marry a princess." Tyler laughs and Louis and Liam both stop.

"Which princess?" Louis asks and hurries to catch up to Tyler.

"Rose of course. Her parents set us up at the ball because she wasn't dancing with anyone. Of course she was dancing with some nobody when I went to talk to her; but that doesn't matter because I'm here." Tyler laugh obnoxiously and Massie looks up at Liam.

"Don't worry, it will work out." She whispers and grabs his hand. He didn't need reassuring; she did.


"Breathe Harry," Zayn laughs.

"But I am minutes away from seeing both my possible wives. Together. In the same room. At once. That's weird." Harry says.

"Hey, we all have to do it." Niall tells him. "Is that them?" 

All fifteen of the royals turn and look at the door as the nine hopefulls walk into the dinning hall. One by one they come in.

Tyler, Charis, Brianna, Erin, Carli, Alana, Louis, Massie, and lastly Liam.

"Good evening everyone," King 2 says. "Please, everyone take a seat."

"That's Erin, and Carli." Harry whispers to Niall and smiles at the two girls trying to stay calm.

Sabrina stands up to greet Louis with a kiss, but they decide against it and Louis kisses the top of her hand.

Rose can't look at either Liam or Tyler and stares at the table. 

Charis quickly starts conversation with Niall and Massie sits there quietly.

Zayn is just happy that both his girls are smiling and being nice.

"So, let the dinner begin."

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