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Rose and Sabrina were already back in the dinning hall before the boys, and Rose looked completly fine. Although she didn't dare look at the boys.

"We had to think a lot about this decision, which has led to us running out of time." King Two says.

"In less than two months you all will be married and ruling the sectors. Now we just need to find the people you will marry."

"This is a rare where all the heirs take over the same year; it's never happened before."

"But we want you all to have a choice."

Harry looks at Sabrina and smiles at the news.

"So we are doing something interesting. Any females between ages thirteen and nineteen, and any males between ages seventeen and twenty two who arer interested will come and we will try to find sutors for all of you."

"Wait," Zayn inturrupts. "So just anyone could come in off the streets and marry one of us?"

"We won't let anyone in. They will have to pass some observations first."

"Otherwise you could get married to a murderer."

"So what we are telling you is that next week there will be a ball for you to meet people. Be ready."

"So what do we do in that time? Are we going to stay here?" Rose asks.

"Yes, everyone is staying here."

"You're all dismissed."

As soon as those words are spoken Rose stand up and leaves quickly. She had had enough of this place already! Why was she being forced to stay longer? It was torture!

"Where will I be staying then?" Rose asks a servant she sees in the hall. The servant looks at her completly confused and says nothing.

"I could take you to your room Ms." a girls voice rings out and Rose turns to see the familiar blonde servant. "I know where yours is."

"Thank you," Rose says and starts following the girl up the stairs. "I'm sorry you have to work here."

"It's no big deal," the girl smiles. "The family is really nice."

"I'm sorry you have to work for Prince Niall," Rose cringes at his name.

"Prince Niall is so nice. Why would you be sorry?"

"Nice? He's the biggest jerk I know!" Rose exclaims.

"You must not know him well then. He often tells his parents how we need more pay for our work, and he always gives money to those in need. He tells me all the time to not use Prince or Sir to talk to him, that he's not that important and just call him Niall."

"That doesn't sound like Niall, he always messes with me. I swear he enjoys making me upset." Rose says and the girl stops at a door.

"I'm sorry Princess, here is your room." she says and opens the door for Rose.

"Holy shit." Rose says when she walks in. "This is nicer than I remember."

"If you need anything just call for me, my name is Alana, and if I'm not to be found someone will help you." she says and starts to leave the room.

"Alana?" Rose says and she turns.

"Yes Princess?"

"Do you have time to talk?" Rose asks and Alana nods. "Come sit by me." she motions for the girl to sit on the giant king size bed next to her.

"Is something wrong Princess Rose?" Alana asks.

"You know how all the kings and queens will be taken his year right?"

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