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Just a warning: this chapter sucks. I'm sorry I just have had major writers block and blehhhhh! So sorry again!


"I was thinking something simple. But still pretty." Alana laughs. "I mean I am going to be a queen so I can kind of have whatever right?"

It was still so crazy to her. She sat here with the dress designer just two days before she would be married to Zayn. They wouldn't have much time to see each other between now and then with all the quick planning, but the faster things were done the more time they would have. 

"Do you like lace?" 

"I guess, I don't really want anything special. I'll leave most of it up to you but I do not want it to have a wide bottom. I want something just flowing."

"I'll draw something up quick and come back." the woman smiles and leaves the room but Rose rushes in.

"I can't choose between these two dresses, help?" she asks showing Alana the drawings.

"Wow, those are amazing." Alana says.

"I never really like dresses but it's my wedding and I want it to be special. This one is more like me with how simple it is, but this other one is just so pretty and I can't choose." Rose says making Alana laugh.

"Go with the second one. It's your special day and you should let it be different." Alana tells her.

"You're right. Thanks. Wait, why are you sitting here alone?" 

"The designer went to go draw some ideas so now I'm waiting." 

"Well you should go see Zayn while you have time." Rose says standing up. "Or be like Sabrina and Louis who are completly inseperable."


Erin puts her bag over her shoulder and walks out of the castle, not wanting to be reminded of what could have been any longer. She still had a while before she was going to be taken back to sector 1 but she couldn't stay at the castle. She would find some place to hang out.

She walks along the road into town and stops to sit at a bench. What else could she do? She couldn't believe she gave up everything to try to marry Harry. Everything...

"Erin!" someone yells and she turns to see the familar brunette boy. Was this really happening?

"Josh?" she asks and stands up as he stops in front of her trying to catch his breath.

"Erin, Niall, he told me you left. I came to find you." he says and smiles. "So you remember me, what about our deal?" 

"What?" she asks and then she remembers the ball. "Oh yeah."

"I'm sorry you're not queen, but if you want I could take you out or something." Josh says and Erin smiles.

"Of course Josh. Nothing would make me happier."


"Zayn, where are you?" Niall calls out. "Harry he isn't in here."

"Where could he be?" Harry asks as Niall walks back out.

"I don't know. We are supposed to go meet with Liam and Louis so we can get to know each other." Niall says. "Zayn where are you?"

"We have checked everywhere, he isn't even with Alana." Harry sighs. "Wait, I know one place we didn't look." Harry takes off back to Zayn's room and walks in again. He walks across the room and to the door out to the balcony, and there sitting on the ledge is Zayn.

"Eh what are you doing out here Zayn? Let's go enjoy one of our last nights as single men." Niall laughs.

"I'm just thinking and had to get away." Zayn says. "I'm getting married tomorrow guys."

"Yeah, and soon you will be king." Harry says. "SO let's go have one last irresponsible night."

"I just can't wait to see Alana tomorrow. I couldn't see her after dinner and won't be able to until we're at the alter." Zayn smiles. "I just know she will be beautiful."

"Yeah, all the girls will be in your wedding." Harry says.

"I honestly think Zayn is the luckiest because he gets married first." Niall says. "I wish I could marry Massie this second."

"Just so you could sleep with her," Harry chuckles and Niall punches him.

"No, I would just be able to be with her more." Niall says. "You're such a jerk."

"I thought you guys wanted to party? Instead you sit here arguing like children." Zayn says shaking his head. "Let's go meet Liam and Louis and have a little bit of fun."

"That's what I'm talking about!" Niall laughs and they leave the room.


"So who is ready to get married?" Carli asks.

"Me!" Rose shouts.

"Coming from that girl who never wanted to be married in the first place." Sabrina laughs.

"You didn't want to get married?" Massie asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, I wasn't so sure about it." Rose admits.

"WHy wouldn't you want to get married?" Alana asks. "I mean yeah I'm nervous for tomorrow but I'm so excited."

"I just didn't think I would find a guy that's right for me." Rose says. "But I did. All thanks to Massie."

"Why thank me?" Massie asks.

"You brought Liam along to the ball; even though he didn't want to go he did it for you and we met." Rose says.

"It was just meant to be," Alana smiles. "With all of us."

"I agree. We all had to overcome some troubles and here we are. Together with our four new friends, who we will rule the country with." Sabrina says.

"I can't wait to be queen and rule with all of you. With all our kings." Carli says and Massie picks up her cup.

"To the last of the past, and good fortune in the future." she says and they all toast to the life they once knew.

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