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So last night I stayed up til 2:30 writing cause I write best late haha so I might be finished with this by the end of next week :)

There isn't much left though:/



Sabrina paces back and forth on her balcony as the tears run down her face. This couldn't be happening. It couldn't be real!

Her parents were telling her that she couldn't marry Louis because they didn't like him. What madness was this? It was stupid! They didn't know Louis!

How could they call him irresponsible? Because he loved her enough to risk being caught to be with her the little bit of time they had snuck away? It wasn't like anything bad happened, or anyone got hurt. Why were they being cruel?

"Sabrina!" Rose yells as she bursts through the door.

"Rose!" Sabrina shouts and hugs Rose. "Why is this happening?"

"You love Louis, you need to be with him." Rose tells her wiping her own tears away.

"Rose, were you able to talk to Niall?" Sabrina asks forgetting her own problems for the moment.

"No, he won't let anyone see him. Why is he such a jerk?" Rose exclaims. 

"So you won't know who you are marrying until Niall says who he is marrying?" Sabrina asks.

"Nope. Ugh, we are both lost! What happens since you can't marry Louis?" Rose asks suddenly realizing that Sabrina had no second choice.

"I don't want to think about it! I just want to marry Louis!" Sabrina shouts.

"You can't become queen without a king, you might be forced to marry some random guy." Rose thinks of all the possible things.

"You know, I don't care about being queen! I just want to be with Louis." Sabrina says and begins crying hystericlly. "I, I don't know what to do."

"You'd give up being queen for Louis?" Rose asks shocked.

"I would." Sabrina says. They stand there quietly, just Sabrina's sobs occasionally breaking the silence, and Rose gets an idea.

"Sabrina, if you aren't queen who would be?"

"I don't know. It's not like I have siblings to take my place."

"Exactly." Rose says and Sabrina cocks her head to the side. "I know what you can do.


"I can't believe this!" Louis shouts at the paper in his hands and LIam looks at him. "This is bull shit!"

"Whoa, what's going on Louis?" Liam asks and Louis throws the paper at Liam.

"That shit! This is insane!" Louis continues shouting and Liam picks up the paper and reads over it.

Good day,

    As you may know each royal heir must choose their spouse today. Each chosen person will be married within the next week. They can only be married if the standing king and queen- parents of the heir- approve, You are recieving this letter to know that you do not have the parents' blessing. You are imedietly out of the choice for marriage. 

  Deeply Sorry.

"What?" Liam asks.

"I can't marry Sabrina because her parents don't like me!" Louis shouts. "This is shit! I love her!" he stops to fight back the tears and Liam shakes his head.

"Louis, this is terrible. Why don't they like you?" Liam asks.

"I don't know. Maybe because Sabrina and I have been sneaking around to see each other. It's only because I want to be with her! They don't understand." Louis says and lowers his voice. "But they will." 

He storms out of the room leaving Liam completly baffled. He goes straight to the sector 1 family room and doesn't even knock before barging in. The king and queen are sitting at a table with a young man across from them and all three of them look up at Louis.

"I'm sorry my lady and sir, I just need to speak with you right this second." Louis says and quickly dries the tears that are left on his face.

"Louis is it?" the king asks and Louis walks closer to them. He glances at the guy and wonders who the red head is, but doesn't really care.

"Yes, sir I realize that you don't like me, for some reason I don't know, but I love your daughter." Louis says and has to stop to fight the tears again. A guard quickly rushes in and grabs Louis but the queen stands up.

"No, let him talk. Then we will see if you are needed." she says and the quard releases Louis. The queen looks at Louis and nods. "Continue."

"I love Sabrina with everything I am. She is already my queen. I don't want to marry her, I need to marry her. If I can't marry her I might as well be dead. And other than just her, which is everything to me now, I know that I would be a great leader for this sector. I know I seem immature and too irresponsible to do a good job but I know I can. Just know that I would do anything, give anything, to be with Sabrina forever."

The room is silent and it seems to  Louis like hours pass before the king stands and looks at the guard.

"Please take this young man back to his room. I need to speak with my wife." he then turns to Louis. "I will see you at the dinner tonight where I will tell you what I think."


"I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I didn't know you would be so upset. Trust me if I knew you would be hurt I never would have done it." Brianna says to Zayn and he fakes a laugh.

"Trust you. Trust you? I did trust you!" he says. "If I knew you were going to steal my art and show everyone I never would have told you about it. I told you I hadn't told many people and I didn't want to."

"Zayn please," Brianna says and reaches for Zayn's arm. "I honestly thought that the only reason you hadn't shown people was because you were too shy. I just felt like your talent should be shared. Zayn I did this because I care about you."

"Go." he says turning away. "I need to think. I'll see you at dinner."

Brianna starts crying as she is led out of Zayn's room. She might have blown her chance.


"I. Am. So. Torn." Niall says to himself. "What. Do. I. Do?"

"Maybe start talking in full sentences." Josh laughs and Niall sits up quickly and looks at his friend.

"Josh? How did you get in here?" Niall laughs.

"You musthave been real deep in thought because I walked in a minute ago. Opened and closed the door pretty loudly too." Josh explains.

"Damn, man I am really confused about all this." Niall shakes his head and Josh sits next to him.

"Listen Niall, I know this is stupid especially coming from someone who has like zero experience with girls, and it sounds cliche as heck, but listen to your heart." Josh says and Niall smiles.

"Yeah. My mind says one thing but my heart says another. Thanks Josh. This is why I'm going to find you a good girl." Niall says and Josh shakes his head.

"I found a girl at the ball, but she might be a queen after this week." Josh tells him.

"Wait, it's not one of my girls is it?" Niall asks.

"Oh, no. I'm just hoping that she isn't choosen so we can work out." Josh laughs. "But it might be a little weird being known as her rebound."

"Did she seem interested in you at the ball?" 

"Yeah. Funny thing is she told me that she really liked me and we should get together again. Little did either of us know that she was going to be here, almost a queen."

"Well," Niall pats Josh on the back, "I hope it goes your way. Whoever she is."

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