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"Oh, my, gosh." Rose whispers as Alana walks out from behind the changing screen. Her dress was off white and had poofy ruffles that made her look just perfect. Her hair was up in a braided bun and she had never felt more elegant.

"Do I look okay?" she asks quietly and Rose looks at Sabrina in shock.

"You look amazing!" Sabrina says.

"Really?" Alana asks smiling.

"Yes." Rose says. "I hate you because you look so good."

"So do you! Both of you look great. Thanks for letting me wear this dress Rose." Alana motions to both girls. 

Rose was wearing a simple ice blue dress with a line of diamonds across the front and her hair was in a loose side braid; not much but she looked gorgeous. Sabrina was wearing her aqua dress and her long brown hair was curled. They all looked perfect.

"No worries, I would never wear it; it's too poofy. I like this simple dress." Rose laughs and turns to the window. "Did you hear that?"

They all three crowd around the window and see the people arriving.

"Looks like the party is about to get started." Sabrina says.

"Uh, I'm a little nervous." Rose admits. "What if I don't find a guy I like?"

"You will, there will be a lot of guys, one is the right one for you." Sabrina tells her. "You ready girls?" 

"As ready as I'll ever be." Alana laughs softly.

"Great, let's go meet Harry, Niall, and Zayn." 


"Ticket," Erin hears a large guard say to the people ahead of her. She clutches hers tighter not wanting to risk losing this opportunity. Somehow she was lucky enough to be considered as a queen and get this ticket.

She came all the way from sector 1. She used all her savings to have her dress made in time for this event. Her beautiful yellow dress, it cost so much! This was her one chance to change her life. If this worked out she would become a queen, she would marry into one of the royal families, but if it didn't work she would have to return to her home and have a boring life. She would have to get a regular job, and that wasn't okay with her.

"Ticket." one of the men says and she slowly hands it to him. "Alright, just follow everyone else into the castle and to the ball room." 

"Thank you," Erin says to the man and looks up at the castle as she walks up the steps.

This castle was a lot like the one in sector 1. Erin had only seen the sector 1 family three times in her life. Once when there was a parade, again when some idiots started a fight in the town square, and the last time was recently when Princess Sabrina visited her school. Princess Sabrina was the perfect princess, kind, funny, pretty, down to earth, and Erin just hoped to be like her. Even if she didn't become queen she wanted to someday be looked up to like she looked up to the princess.

"Excuse me, sorry, please move." Erin is pushed slightly and almost falls over but someone catches her.

"Whoa, are you okay?" the man asks and Erin looks up into his deep brown eyes. She smoothes out her dress and nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for bumping into you." she says and looks towards where the rude person had gone to. She had no idea what the guy who pushed her looked like, and she really didn't care.

"Stupid people just being rude," the brown eyed guy says and Erin looks back at him.

"Yeah, you think they'd be acting nice given that they are at the castle." she laughs.

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