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"Where are we going? Niall, why are we leaving?" Zayn asks as Niall leads the boys out of the castle.

"We are just going for a walk around the sector, don't worry we won't go too far away. We need to get out of that place." Niall answers.

"Are we allowed to go?" Harry asks.

"Yes, I  do it all the time. Josh is going to meet us too." Niall says and they walk out the caslte gates.

"You just walk around here all the time?" Zayn asks.

"Well yeah, that's what the hoods are for." Niall says and pulls his hood over his face a little more. "Even if people recognize us it's no big deal really. Most people don't say anything."

"So what's the real reason we are going?" Harry asks.

"This time next week we will be settling everything for our weddings, then we will get married, become kings, and everything will be serious. I want to have some fun while we can." Niall says sadly. Life as they knew it was about over.

"Niall! Mate, hey!" Josh says running up to Niall.

"Josh, have you met Zayn and Harry?" Niall asks.

"I don't think so, but of course I know them." Josh says and bows slightly. "Forgot my manners." he laughs.

"What manners?" Niall laughs and hugs Josh.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, that singing girl from the other day is back. She's with those girls again too." Josh says and Niall looks shocked.

"Guys, c'mon, you have to see this girl." He says and all four of them start walking towards where the girls were. 

The crowd is clapping and Niall tries pushing his way through untill he's at the front. The three girls are smiling, the brown haired one at the back.

"Can you girls sing a song for me?" Niall asks.

"Just one more," the red head says smiling. "One, two, three-"

"You shouted out, but I can't hear a word you say. I'm talking loud, not saying much." the blonde starts.

"I'm criticized, but all your bulletts ricochet. You shoot me down but I get up." the red head sings then steps aside for the brunette to do her part.

"I'm bullet proof, nothing to lose, fire away, fire away. Ricochet you take your aim. Fire away, fire away. Shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium." she sings beautifully and I look at Harry and his eyes are wide.

"Shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium." they all finish together and we all clap.

"That was amazing," Zayn says.

"Told you! The brunette is the best I think. I told her she should perform at the castle." Niall says and as the crowd starts to clear away Harry walks up to the girl.

"Excuse me miss, but you have an amazing voice." he says and she smiles.

"Wow, thank you. You're the second person to tell me that recently." she says.

"I think you should perform at the castle," he says and her face goes blank.

"I was also told that, by the prince." she says and he smiles and moves his hood back a little.

"Make it two princes, I'm Prince Harry from Sector four." he says and she bows quickly.

"Wonderful to meet you Prince." she runs the words out of her mouth.

"Are you coming to the ball in three days?" Harry asks.

"Of course, my mother feels like this could be my chance to change my life. But I don't think I'm good enough to become a queen." she says and looks at the ground.

"Really? Because you seem very lovely." Harry says. "I'm sorry what is your name?"

"Carli, my name is Carli." She answers quietly.

"Well Carli, it was lovely meeting you. I will definitely save a dance for you." he says and kisses the top of her hand before returning to the other boys.

"Hmm, seems like someone doesn't need a ball to find a wife." Zayn chuckles as they start walking again. 

Harry turns slightly and sees Carli sitting on a box with her head in her hands. Why was that? He turns back around and smiles.

"She seems very lovely, but there may be other girls." he says and Josh laughs.

"The only reason I'm going to the ball is to try and meet girls. I'm not interested in the princesses, I want a regular girl. This could be a good shot to impress them." he says and the other three laugh at him.

"You could just say you're my kinsman and they would be impressed. Hello royal family." Niall says.

"I honestly never thought of that. That's a good chat up line. Hello, I'm Josh and my best friend is Prince- soon to be King- Niall." Josh laughs.

"Eh, I would like to not have the Prince label, be sure that a girl liked me for me, you know?" Harry asks.

"Honestly me too," Niall says.

"I just want a happy life." Zayn says. "I want to be remembered too. I want to be a great King."

"Me too," Harry and Niall say at the same time and laugh.

"I hope the princesses marry good guys too." Zayn says.

"I hope I get invited to some good parties; hint hint." Josh says. "I like castle food."

"I'll invite you to all my parties!" Niall shouts. "Because castle food is the best." 


"Sabrina? Darling?" the queen says as she walks into Sabrina's temporary room. 

"Hi mom," Sabrina says and turns away from the wardrobe where she was looking at her dress; again.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"I am, I'm so excited. Rose and I are going to get ready together." Sabrina smiles.

"Oh that's nice, you chose that dress?" the queen asks admiring the beautiful aqua gown.

"Yeah, it was the first one I tried on and I just loved it." Sabrina explains.

"I'm so proud of you. You've become such a beautiful young woman, and you'll become a wonderful queen with your king."

"I'm looking forward to it," Sabrina says. "To the future."



Sorry I'm late! My sister got home for spring break today and I hung out with her and we just watched a movie so ya! But here is chapter four! Might upload tomorrow, still not sure... But I love the feedback I'm getting so I'll try and hurry! :)


btw Rose I love you! Be awesome :)

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