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Aight hoes this is a long chapter that I wrote the other night at like 2 am when I was half asleep and I kind of don't remember it but I think it's good.... 

And you guys aren't hoes:)



The silence is so loud. The tension could be cut with a knife. There the twenty four people sat in silence.

Ten wise rulers, now forgetting their titles and becoming just parents..

Five young heirs still questioning their choices, one without a choice and one not sure what is even going on.

Nine hopefulls, each more nervous than ever before.

And the three servants standing around wishing to be given a task to avoid the awkwardness any longer.

"We must begin sometime." King 4 says quietly and everyone looks at him. "I think there are some things we need to do first though."

"Each of you were asked right before you came down here to write your last words that may change your to-be's minds." Queen 2 says. "Who would like to go first?"

Alana stands up slowly and everyone glances at her. She takes a deep breath and begins reading from the paper in her hands.

"Zayn, you have made me feel perfect ever since I first met you. That day you arrived here and said my name was pretty, I acutally felt good for a change. You acknowledged me for more than what I am- a servant girl. I'm not afraid of who I am now because you told me that it's not what everyone else thinks that matters it's what I think." Alana smiles at Zayn and he smiles back. "And thanks to you I think I'm worth something. Even if I don't end up being your queen I would like to thank you for giving me a great life lesson. I would also like to thank everyone else. Rose for starters for seeing me as a friend and getting me this opportunity, and the families for always treating me wonderful. I'm so thankful." Alana sits back down and Charis quickly stands.

"Listen Niall, you're interesting. Not at all what I expected in a prince but I guess that's alright? We laughed so much and you just make me happy. If you chose me I promise that we will always have a good time." she smiles and sits down. Tyler clears his throat and stands to go next.

"Listen, Rosie, you're my favorite girl you know that." he smiles and Rose fakes a smile back. "I am what a king should be, and I'd always treat you right. We'd be perfect."

He sits down and Rose is a little shocked. That was it? She expected more from him. Some kind of big hoo-ra talk about how awesome he is. Maybe things wouldn't end bad either way, she would just prefer Liam...

"Harry, I just have one thing to say and that is that every time I see you, or think of you I get butterflies in my stomach and it's the most amazing feeling. If you chose me I hope I can continue to always have that feeling with you." Carli says making Harry smile.

"I might as well go." Liam mumbles and stands up. "Rose, I know this, um decision, wasn't what you expected and I know that it's out of your hands now but you changed my view on royalty. I thought royals were stuck up but you proved they aren't. You are just as weird as the next person." he sits down and everyone is shocked by his choice of words, but Rose has to try not to laugh.

She was weird, and she knew it. She also knew that Liam liked that most about her. Because she was so weird it was almost like she was normal; not royalty. There were just three left to speak, and Massie slowly stands.

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