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Last chapter! I'm sorry it's so horrible but I have had really bad writers block and didn't know what else to do!

This happens a lot... 

Thank you all for reading though! Might be starting another story soon;)



"It's your big day Alana, how are you feeling?" Rose asks as all the girls look at Alana is her beautiful wedding dress.

"Nervous." Alana says quietly. "But ready."

"Ms. Alana, everyone is waiting." a servant says and Alana sighs.

"Let's go." she smiles and follows the others out of the room and towards her wedding.

"I wish this was my wedding," Carli laughs. "But I have to wait for tomorrow."

"But you can see Harry now," Massie whispers smiling at all the boys standing by the altar. And she could see Niall. Time couldn't go by fast enough until she was at her own wedding.

Seeing Zayn and Alana smiling at eachother as they said "I do" made everyone that much more excited for their own special day- the ones to come.

If it was the next day with Harry and Carli, the next with Sabrina and Louis, Niall and Massie, or the last wedding- Rose and Liam.

Everyone was happy- even Erin and Josh.

But there were still things that needed to be taken care of. Like the royal transition.

It was the last day that the current kings and queens reign, and the day of new rule.


"We, as king and queen of Sector 1 must now hand down the crown to you. Sabrina and Louis, do you promise to do all good for the country of Mathis, and nothing but the best to your abilities?" king 1 asks, and Louis and Sabrina nod.

"We, as king and queen of Sector 2 must now hand down the crown to you. Zayn and Alana, do you promise to do all good for the country of Mathis, and nothing but the best to your abilities?" king 2 asks, and just as Louis and Sabrina, Zayn and Alana nod.

Niall and Massie for Sector 3, Harry and Carli for Sector 4, and Rose and Liam for Sector 5.

Each one of them was now formally king or queen, and it was time to announce it to the world. The old royals were no more, and tomorrow would leave. The country was in the hands of these ten young individuals. But they had each other.

"And now, for the first time ever, we present to you the rulers of Mathis. King Louis, King Zayn, King Niall, King Harry, King Liam, Queen Sabrina, Queen Alana, Queen Massie, Queen Carli, and Queen Rose."

The crowd erupts in cheers as they are the lucky ones who get to see the new royals first. The royals wave to their people and get just a little taste of the life that was now theirs.

"What is better, being queen or being married to the man of your dreams?" Carli asks the others as they all get ready to say their goodbyes; for now.

"Being queen would mean nothing if I wasn't married to Niall," Massie says. "I'm so glad things turned out the way they did."

"Me too. Now I get to go back to my own castle with Liam." Rose smiles.

"I'll miss you all, keep in touch." Alana says with tears in her eyes.

"We will come together again soon. Don't worry." Sabrina smiles and they all hug. 

Life had a different meaning now.

Ten new royals for the country.

A new spouse for all of them.

Everything was new, and maybe it was the change of the world as a whole.

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