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Whooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We won both KCAs! Okay so again I am saying I don't know how updates will go this week. I am on Spring Break but have surgery Monday. I'll try to upload as much as possible still though!


"Now, we must get to know all of you." Queen 4 says with a smile. "So why don't we just go around the table and have you all talk about yourselves a little and what you think about all this."

Everyone looks around the table awkwardly and Tyler stand up.

"Well you all know me, I am Tyler and I am very close to the royal family. I enjoy riding horses and do a bit of writing in spare time." he says and sits down.

"Okay, well I'm Louis. I love having a good time and I really feel like if I were king alongside this gorgeous lady," he points to Sabrina and she tries not to giggle, "I would make everyone happy." Next everyone looks at Carli and she stands up.

"Hi, I'm Carli. I have been singing for a couple years now here in the streets of Sector 3 and maybe you have seen me." she sits back down quickly and turns to Erin on the other side of Harry.

"My name is Erin, I would have to say I'm a perfectionist. If I became queen nothing would go wrong."

"Hello everyone, I'm Brianna." she laughs. "I love having fun and it would be a blast to be queen."

"Wow, I'm Alana. This is crazy. I don't have much to say about me, but being a queen would be such an honor. To be in the same class as all the beautiful and amazing queens before this." she says and all the queens smile.

"Yeah. I'm Charis. I will just love being queen."

"Well, um, I'm Massie." she begins quietly. "I don't even know what to say. I really never thought I could be lucky enough to ever be here, mostly because I'm nothing special. But if I become queen I would be so happy and make sure I did everything I could to keep this country as good as it is."

"Stupid," someone says through a cough.

"Who said that?" King 3 asks angrily. "Who said it?"

"Let's just keep moving on." King 4 says quietly and everyone turns to the last person; Liam.

"I'm Liam. The only reason I went to the ball was because Massie here wanted me to go. She's like my sister and no matter what happens I'll be there for her." he says and Queen 5 smiles.

"He's loyal," she says quietly and Rose bites her lip to hide her smile. There was a greater reason she was attracted to Liam. 

"Well, now that we know a little more, the dates will be set. Bailey please," Queen 1 says and the servant hands her the paper.

"Alright, I see here that tomorrow morning the dates are Tyler and Rose, Harry and Erin, Niall and Charis, and Zayn and Alana. The others will go on their dates tomorrow evening." King 1 says.

"It really was wonderful to meet you all, any of you will be great for this country."

"We apologize most of you will have to share a room. We only have five spare rooms with the others already being taken, and there are nine of you. But you will now be taken to your set rooms. Say goodnight everyone."

"That's it?" Louis asks Sabrina and she shrugs.

"Let's just go and I'll see you tomorrow." she whispers back and everyone begins heading to their rooms.


"So, I have to say that what you said about being here for your sister was pretty cool. I could tell you really care for her." Louis says to Liam as they get to their shared room.

"Well, it's always been like this I guess. When we were younger she was the only friend I had so this could be my way of thanking her." Liam laughs. "You're pretty lucky. You already have this wrapped up. You've got no competition."

"Except her parents. I don't think they really like me." Louis says. "But yeah, I love Sabrina."

"That's something really amazing. I think you will make a great king. Just remember to invite me to some of those parties I know you will be having." Liam says and they both laugh.

"Hey, when we are both kings we will throw some major parties." 

"Nah, I won't be king. Tyler would be a lot better as a king. Not me." 

"You should have seen the way Rose was looking at you tonight." Louis laughs. "Don't be so sure about Tyler."


"You're quiet." Alana says and Massie just nods and continues brushing her hair. "Why?"

"I don't have anything important to say I guess." Massie says quietly.

"Everything you could say is important." Alana says and sits next to Massie. "What do you think about the palace so far?"

"It's different."

"Yeah, I'm used to it but not this part."

"Wait, what? Used to it? How?" Massie asks and Alana sighs. She had been trying to cover up who she was from the others, but Massie seemed alright..

"I'm a servant of this family. Here at this castle. The only way I got into the ball was because Princess Rose became my friend." Alana admits. "Please don't tell the others, I don't want them to think differently of me."

"Why would they think differently of you?" Massie asks and Alana lets a tear fall from her eyes.

"Because I'm nothing but a servant girl!" 

"It's not your fault though."

"No, but that's my lable. If I don't marry Prince Zayn this will be my life forever. Serving him and Brianna."

"If Niall doesn't choose me, and Rose chooses Liam I will be alone. I understand how you feel." 

"No. I've spent enough time here watching these families, especially this past week. They wouldn't split you and Liam up."


"I have a great feeling about this. For you too." Brianna says to Charis.

"Yeah, I'll have a great time ruling alongside you." Charis laughs. "Such a good time."

"Wanna play a game?" Brianna asks.

"What do you mean?" Charis asks.

"We could bet who else will become queen, or king." Brianna says and Charis smiles.

"Easily done. I say you marry Zayn, I will marry Niall, Tyler will marry Rose, of course Louis will marry Sabrina since there is no one else but really I have no clue who Harry will pick." Charis says and Brianna laughs.

"I agree, but as for Harry," Brianna can't continue because she can't stop laughing. "Okay, maybe he'll start a new tradtion and marry them both."

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