Chapter 15

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"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" Kate screamed as soon as I got home."I'm very very sorry, I got drunk and Billy drove me to their house and I forgot to call you.""You forgot to call me? You're grounded." Kate said in a slightly lower voice."No, please, I wanted to go out today, please, I'm an adult.""I don't care if you're an adult, I'm responsible for you here, so what I say goes.""So you're really just going to ban a 20-year-old from going on a date?""On a date?" She asked me out of curiosity, but I can already tell that she won't let me out."Yes on a date, Helena asked me." I said annoyed."Well, I guess Helena will have to wait." She said and went to the kitchen.I moved to my room and immediately went to call Helena. I waited a while and then Helena picked up.

"Heey honey what's up?" she asked me from the other side of the phone.

"Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I can't go today, I'm grounded." I rolled my eyes at my words."Honey, if you need an excuse because you don't want to, just tell me."

"What? why don't you believe me?"

"Because you're 20 Y/n." 

"God, Hellie, I know, but Kate got angry because I didn't let her know where I was and when I was coming, so she won't let me go." I hear Helena sigh."Are you angry?" I asked sadly."No, I'm just a little disappointed, I was looking forward to it."

"I know, sorry sometime next time.""Okay, love you bye." She said and hung up. This is not fair

The day passed quickly and I didn't even realize it and it was ten o'clock. I'm sitting in my room on the bed watching tiktok. Is it weird if I look at the edits of my soon-to-be girlfriend? Probably yes, but if I can't be with her in person, I'll at least look at her virtually."Y/n could you please come downstairs for a minute?" Nicolas called me and I smiled softly. I never had a special relationship with children, they always seemed very annoying and complicated, but he was different, he put a smile on my face almost as soon as I thought of him. I got up from the bed and went down.
"Heey Nic, what do you need?" I said smiling. "Would you help me put the puzzles together?" he said giving me puppy dog ​​eyes. "Isn't it too late for that?" Kate asked Nicolas, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, go to bed. Y/n can put you to bed if you want. But brush your teeth first." Nicolas rolled his eyes and I had to laugh softly at him, but so that he wouldn't hear me. "When you're done call Y/n and she'll come over, I'll talk to her in the meantime." He nodded his head and went upstairs. "Y/n you've been ignoring me all day and I don't want you to be mad at me. "I'm not mad at you." she raised an eyebrow. "okay, maybe a little, I just forgot to let you know that I'm staying at Bill's place and-" My speech was interrupted by the doorbell and Kate and I both left for the door. When she opened them, she was standing there, more beautiful than ever.
"Miss Bonham Carter." She said with a very surprised look. I had to smile when I saw her there.
"Good evening, uhm, I just wanted to ask if I could borrow Y/n for today." What? I love her. I wouldn't expect this from any of my partners, but let's be honest, this was Helena, my only one.
"I would very much like that, but unfortunately I forbade her today." "Kate, please."
"Yes, I'm begging you too, she's not a child." she said with her famous Hollywood smile. Kate looked at me and measured me with her gaze. But finally she nodded.
"Fine, but you will text to me continuously and by one o'clock at the most."
"Yes, yes, and thank you very much, I'll just jump off quickly to get my things and I'll be right back." I ran upstairs, took my purse, phone and other necessary things, quickly ran to the toilet and came back downstairs to meet Helena.
"I'm ready, let's go." I said and grabbed her hand.
"Bye Kate!"

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