Chapter 19

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"Lily, help me, which one should I buy?!" I asked her desperately standing in the booth. I'm going to the theater tonight and I need to look super, super and sexy. I can't decide which dress I want, I'm wearing red, with a corset and ruffled sleeves, or the second option, white, also fitted with a corset but decorated with a delicate floral print.
"I don't know, take the white ones." Lily says.
"Yes, take them and move your ass, you have to go to the hairdresser." "
Okayy, no stress, we'll manage everything"

I had my hair done, also elegant with floral accessories. "What do you say?" I asked Lily when I stood up from the hairdresser's chair.
"You look absolutely amazing" she said with her mouth half open. We hung around the shopping center a bit and after about half an hour we took a taxi home.
"Hey Kate!" I said as soon as we entered the house.
"Hi, so what? Did you buy?"
"Yes, luckily, if I hadn't found anything, I don't know what I would have done." I say and laugh a little.
"When does it start?"
"I have to be there at half past seven" I looked at the clock and saw that it was six, well I still have time.
"I'll make you toast okay?" Kate told to me and lily. We both nodded and sat down at the table. We talked about many things, of course also with Kate, who was cooking for us. After a few minutes, our stomachs were already full and I could go change into my clothes.
"What do you think?" I asked Kate when I got downstairs to the kitchen.
"You look amazing." She says, and Lily only admits.
"Okay, Helena will be here in 5 minutes, and Kate, if I don't come home, I'll be with Helena, I'll text you when we get to her place."
"Ok wait! I don't see any flowers, you should bring flowers." Kate says.
"Oh yes, there's a flower shop next door and Lily's mom knows the owner, so I can drop by for a bouquet at nine when there's a break." I explained to her.
"Fine, at least that's how it is." the ringing of my mobile interrupts us, I see that Helena is calling me.
"Wish me luck!!" I say and follow Helena to the car.
"Heyy, you look so hot." She says as soon as I get in the car and kisses me.
"You don't look bad either" I say and give her another kiss.
"Okay, well, we have to move, I should be backstage, we start in half an hour, so I have to repeat something." She says and starts driving the car. I can't stop looking at her, I really love her, I love her face, her body, her beauty, her everything. After ten minutes, she parks in a private parking lot behind the theater and we both get out of the car.
We walk through an empty room where I can put my coat.
"This is the door where you will go afterwards, there will be a smaller afterparty, there will be a security guy who you tell him that you are my friend, I will tell him to let you in. Of course, if he doesn't want to let you in, call me and I'll come get you, okay?"
"Okay, friend!" I tell her fake offended.
"Hey." She says, slapping my shoulder playfully.
"I have to go, put your coat on and go sit down, they'll let you in"
The hall is slowly starting to fill up, I'm sitting on the balcony, Helena has prepared the best seats for me. The lights go out and the actors appear on the stage, when Helena appears, I forget to concentrate on the whole play, she distracts me, I only look at her, I don't even know how, and the hour has passed and they just announced the break. Everyone got up from their seats, including me, but with the difference that I'm going to get a bouquet and they're going to drink red wine in the theater bar. I put on my coat and quickly run out into the street, luckily the flower shop is right next door and since it's so late, no one is there anymore, that is, except for the owner who is waiting with my bouquet.
"Good evening, I came to get the flowers." I say with a smile.
"Good evening to you too, and of course enjoy it." he says and hands them to me, I have to admit they are really beautiful.
"How much will it be?"
"£35, friendly discount." I smile and hand her exactly £35.
"Enjoy it, and thank you very much for your willingness."
"That's fine, now go and enjoy the show, I heard there are big acting stars, like helena bonham carter, would you believe it?" I laugh a little.
"Well, yes, I believe, actually, I'm there just because of her, now i have fo go so i dont miss anything." I said goodbye once more and left for the theater, I quickly ran to the toilet and then returned to my seat.
I arrived just in time, although it doesn't seem like it, but I was there for 25 minutes, the lights went out again and she started playing

Time skip:

Everyone claps and stands up, of course I'm on my feet and I look for Helena with my eyes, when I find her I see that she and her co-stars are bowing to the audience. After a few minutes, everyone leaves, and I don't rush as long as the hall is empty, knowing that I still have to wait until everyone leaves the theater before I can go to the party. God, I'm really glad to be here today

Heyy guyys, guess who just wrote three chapters after month of no posting? Yes me🤪

Better life with youOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora