Chapter 17

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"Oh shit" I muttered under my breath as the artificial blood dripped onto my shirt. Nicolas decided to be a vampire and I agreed to help him with the mask and make up. A while ago I put false teeth on him and painted him with white powder.
"Oh god you're so scary. I turned and saw Kate leaning against the bathroom door frame. I smiled at her and so did Nico.
"I know!! I have the best mask in all of London" he said cheerfully and I tried to apply some more blood under his lip.
"And done." I said and washed my hands.
"Wow, if I wasn't so scary, I'd be scared of everyone out there." I laughed a little at him.
"You shouldn't worry because Y/n will watch out for you right Y/n?" she said quite sternly. I think she is still worried about him.
"Kate, don't worry, he's safe with me," I tried to calm her down.
"Yes I know, but you never know what will happen." she sighed a little.
"Well, what about you and Helena? You haven't been with her for a long time, is everything alright?" she asked after a moment's pause.
"Oh yes, of course, she had to go to Italy for a while, but she should be back the day after tomorrow." now I sighed a little.
"You miss her right?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Yeah, kind of." I said a little sadly. "Who is Helena? Is she your girlfriend? Can I meet her?" Nicolas started bombarding me with questions, I laughed a little at him. "Yes and maybe."
"Well, I'll put on my lipstick and we can go." I took a deep red lipstick and applied it to my lips. I decided to get along with Nicolas and also be a vampire. I put on a pretty short red dress with a black corset.
I knocked on the last door we will visit today.  We have been walking for almost two hours and we have a basket full of sweets and salty foods.
"Trick or treat!" Nico yells as soon as the door opens. A very nice looking lady is standing there holding a bowl of sweets.
"Ohh, how sweet scary little boy." She said and handed him a bowl for him to choose which one he wanted. A couple chose them, then we talked for a while and went back home.
"So satisfied?" I asked him with a smile.
"Yes, thank you for taking me." he said grabbing my hand.
"Now tell me about that girl of yours" he ordered.
"About Helena?" I asked.
"Well, I really can't tell you much, but I will tell you that I love her and if you ever meet her, you will love her too." Hopefully.
I put him to bed because he was exhausted from today. I covered him with a quilt and kissed him all over. "Good Night Nothing"
"Goodnight Y/n" he said sleepily now. I left his room and went to the living room to text Helena.
Me: Hey honey, how was your day? I miss you so much. I pressed the send icon and saw that Helena had read it after about a minute. I put my phone down and waited for an answer. Another minute passed and still nothing. I looked to see if she was at least writing, but no. Did she really just left me on read?
Me: Are you angry with me? after sending the message, it immediately showed again that she had read the message. Well, no answer. I went to the terrace because everyone is already asleep and I don't want to wake them up, and I start calling Helena. She doesn't pick up, I sigh and go back inside.
I've been scrolling on tiktok for two hours. It's 1:13 in the morning I should go to sleep but I don't feel tired at all. Out of nowhere my phone starts vibrating and the name "Hellie" lights up on the screen, I pick up her call and say. 

"So that took you, what's going on?" 

"Could you open the door?" she whispers. 

"Just go and open the door" when she finishes she hangs up. I quietly get up and walk to the front door. When I open them, I see a smiling actress. My jaw dropped, literally. When my brain processes what just happened I quickly walk out the door and hug her tightly.
"Hey you." she says quietly.
"Hey" is all that comes out of me I kiss her hard and she kisses me back "What are you doing here?" 

"They gave us time off." she said between kisses. 

"Why are you here? it's dangerous you should go home." I say but I don't dare to let her go from my embrace and I keep kissing her softly.

 "I want to be here, now, with you." 

"Come in"....."but you have to be quiet." I added. When we are both in the house, I close the door behind us. I see that Helena is taking off her shoes. 

"Do you want to go upstairs?" she just nods to my question and so I lock the door, turn off the light and lead her up the stairs to my room. When we finally get into it
to my room, I'll lock the door behind me. I turn to Helena and she kisses me again. Her lips are as soft as ever.
Our kissing starts to become more passionate. I feel Helena starting to move towards my bed. When we are close enough she throws me on the bed and get on top of me. 

She starts kissing my neck, I can feel the warmth of her breath, God, how I missed her. Her lips come to my ear and she whispers seductively. "I will fuck you so slowly that you will beg me to stop."

am i a liar? yes probably

sorry I didn't give any update for so long, I just didn't know how to proceed. I also don't know how long it will be before I write a new one, but it will definitely be sometime. I wish you all a nice day

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