Chapter 16

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It's been a month since our midnight date. We liked it and started practicing it more often.
The last time we had a date was 9 days ago, when Helena told me that she had to go to Italy to shoot a movie.
She was only supposed to be there for a week and she was supposed to be here by Halloween. Unfortunately, the filming was delayed, Halloween is already tomorrow and I don't have my love by my side, with whom we agreed to spend this day together.
Hels should be back in 3 days, which of course is never a sure thing but I'll hope so.

Right now I'm standing in the kitchen with Nicolas and we're baking cupcakes together for tomorrow's caroling. So yes, I'm 20, I was supposed to go to a party, but in the end I canceled it so I could go caroling with my almost brother.
"Y/n can I make the frosting?" he asked me in his childish voice.
"Sure, I'll tell you what to mix together, okay?" I answered him as I poured the batter into the muffin cups. He quickly and enthusiastically nodded and started to take things out of the fridge that I told him to mix.
"Now let's wait until it's baked and we can decorate it, deal?"
"Deal" he replied and they gave each other a high five.
"And what are we going to do until then?" he asked
"We can watch something on TV, what do you suggest?" I asked him.
"Harry Potter." the answer was clear.
"Yes, yes again."
"Uggh fine which part?" I asked him, hoping that he would say the part from five onwards so that I could at least look at Helena.
"Uhmn, I love part three."
"Really the third one? Don't you want to see a newer one, like the sixth one?" he quickly shook his head
"No, there are very bad people there."
"No they aren't, name at least five." I tried to protest.
"Okay, Snape, Voldemort, Narcissa, Lucius and the worst Bellatrix Lestrange." Well, it will be difficult to introduce him to Helena, of course if there is an opportunity.
"I must protest Bellatrix is ​​certainly not worse than Voldemort and Narcissa and Snape are not bad either."
"Oh yes they are and I'm not discussing it we're watching part three." I rolled my eyes and said. "Fine, you win." I saw how he was genuinely happy, he went to the couch and turned on the TV. I slowly walked from the kitchen to the living room where Nikolas was already waiting. I sat down and he pressed the play button. That's when a message beeped on my mobile.
Helena: Hey darling, I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a long time, I'm still working. How are u?
Y/n: Heyy, it's okay. I hope you will come back here soon I can't stand it in here without you, I miss you terribly.
Helena: Baby don't worry I promise I will be home in three days.
Y/n: Still too long🫠
"Y/nnn could you please put your phone down snd watch with me?" Okay, he can be really annoying sometimes.
"Of course your Majesty." I joked.
Y/n: so sorry my company can be really annoying and he won't let me text with you.
Helena: What? WHO is your company???
Y/n: 😂😂😂
I turned my phone off and continued watching film.
Not even two minutes passed and I already heard my phone ringing. Nicolas cursed me with a look that I dared to interrupt his viewing. I got up from the couch and moved to the patio door that was between the kitchen and the living room.
"Hey, who are you there with?" I heard Helen's voice as soon as I picked up the phone.
"With no one" I laughed a little, oh I enjoy this so much.
"Please tell me who you're with, when I think it's okay I'll leave you alone, because you know he might hurt you and at least I'll know who you're with." She tried to think of something quickly.
"Ms. Bonham Carter are you jealous?" I asked with a grin on my face even though I knew the answer.
"What? no, of course I'm not." she said with uncertainty in her voice "Please just tell me." she added "Hellie it's fine it's just Nicolas and I watching Harry Potter and baking muffins." Muffins, I completely forgot about them.
"I'll call you later while we're talking about it." I quickly hung up and ran to the kitchen to take them out of the oven. Fortunately, they didn't burn that much. I exhaled and left them on the kitchen counter.

"Are they done yet?" I hear Nic quickly running into the kitchen. "Yes, they already are."
"So we can decorate them now." "Um, yeah, I think so." we sit down at the table and start decorating the muffins with the cream that Nico made. I have finished the first two and Nico has only one yet, I can see that he is tired because he is still yawning and it is already late in the evening.
"Nic, do you want to go to bed? I'll finish it myself" I ask him.
"No" he answers tiredly.
"Come on, I see you can't keep your eyes open." I said and saw how he slowly got up from the chair.
“Good night Y/n. he says quietly and slowly walks tiredly upstairs to his room. For now, I decide to write to Helena.
Y/n: Heyy, sorry for the unexpected interruption, I almost burnt my muffins😂
Helena: It's okay, I have to finish, I'm really tired, good night, I love you. I smiled at her message and wrote back
Y/n: Love you too

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