Nini Rosabella Alonzo

77 3 0

Age: 20

Country of Origin: United States of America

Reason for being in Paris: Working with Jagged Stone on an album

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/they

Sexuality: Pan-romantic & Polyamorous 

Hair color/type: Brown/curly

Eye color: Light bluish grey

Height: 5'2"

Aesthetic: Retro/Grunge/Vintage

Aesthetic: Retro/Grunge/Vintage

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Quotes from Nini:

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Quotes from Nini:


"Dude you literally remind me of that meme 'Oooo, I'm mentally ill' *snorts*"


"Listen here Goldie Locks, how about you and Peppermint Patty go get the lollipop guild cause y'all getting your asses' handed to you by a giant baby?!"


"Why are you crying?... You've never had someone care about you like this? What about your parents?... Fuck man, I'm sorry I just remembered, you're dad's a piece of shit decorated with designer glitter."


"Marinette, quit being a horny obsessed teenager and actually be reasonable for once."


"Jagged, I'm this close (barely any space between their fingers) to just registering and purchasing a gun and become a stereotypical American and shoot those crazy ass bitches off my property."


"Your dad is a piece of shit and your 18, legally you're an adult and you can just leave if you want to... He won't let you? Adrien, baby, did you forget who you're talking to?"


"Listen it's technically not murder if Lila isn't a human being... What you're gonna argue with me and convince me that she is one?"


"How about you shut the fuck up and stick your fake concern bullshit up your ass because if you really cared about Adrien, you would respect the fact that he doesn't want to be near you Marinette."


"All of you better pick your sorry assess off of my living room floor and get the fuck out of my apartment.


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