Sasha Volkov

62 3 0

Age: 32

Country of Origin: Russia

Reason for being in Paris: Nini acting rashly and deciding to stay in Paris

Occupation: Nini's manager

Gender: ???

Pronouns: He/they

Hair color/type: Black/wavy

Eye Color: Grayish blue

Height: 6'5"

How Sasha and Nini Met:

Sasha didn't meet Nini under the most normal of circumstances. At the Lighting Records label, Sasha was about to be let go since none of his clients made the label any profit. Nini was the last chance the big boss, Teresa Alvarez, was giving him.

Sasha didn't know much about Nini, only that she was some sort of prodigy and that if he messed up with her, he had no right to call himself a manager with Lighting Records. 

Meeting her was something that he never thought he'd experience in his life. From what everyone had told him, Nini was unruly, childish, immature, disrespectful, rude and unable to get any work done. Those rumors alone terrified him as he was starting to look for work else where.

Upon meeting her, she was nothing like the rumors described. They said she acted childish and immature, well maybe it's because she's still a child at the age of 16. Naturally, she won't act like an adult when she isn't one yet.

"Hello Miss Alonzo, my name is Sasha Volkov and--"

Cutting off the giant, "Whoa, are you from Russia?! I always wanted to learn more about the country, I love the food there. Give me a Priozhki and I'll be good to go for the rest of the day! I haven't met a manager yet that wasn't some old nasty prude with zero fashion sense. By the way, love the pumps, you know your stuff by wearing Prada, you're literally serving! Also what are your pronouns, I don't want to accidentally fuck up and be a fucking dick misgender you or something. As for me don't refer to me as a man and we're good." jumping up from her seat, getting closer to the flustered giant as he took in the initial displayed personality of his new client.

Ok Sasha, you can do this. You can work with this, she seems to be very eccentric, maybe we can establish a connection

From that day forward, Sasha understood why people said those things when creating those rumors. Nini only seemed rude and disrespectful because she was straightforward and blunt, telling the honest truth with no regard of anyone's feelings. 

Then there's the fact that she does get her work done, it just looks disorganized and unruly since she has a rather strange creative process. The young girl already had songs written and just needed someone to review them. As for any new ones, she just needed to be outside to gain inspiration. Nini hated to be confined indoors, only being inside when they needed to record.

All in all, she was practically the perfect client for anyone to have since she created and produced her own music. She knew how she wanted things to sound, the way how she wanted the words to evoke certain emotions for how she sang. The instruments that she'd find and learn to play just to use them as a simple sound in the background. As stated from the only reliable source from the label, Nini was truly a prodigy in the making. 

Sasha learned that Nini just needed a manager who can pay attention and help guide her creative process to make it profitable. At first it was a lot to take in, but he figured that he can use her personality to market her in a way that made her relatable, as for the age of social media can have a lot of power for rising celebrities.

Sasha found out that Nini was better than most of his other clients because when he had pry information from them and to drag them by their teeth to doing almost anything, Nini ended up giving him so much, he had too much to work with. Becoming Nini's manager changed the perception and reputation that he gained in the label.

Nini on the other hand, was guaranteed a contract with the label, regardless if she had a manager. Meeting Sasha helped her to mature and understand that she didn't need to change every little thing to fit the mold of a celebrity. Nini was able to thrive in the conditions that Sasha was able to set and communicate her needs to those around her.

Not only did they help each other, they both gained a new best friend that they'll have for life.

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