You got a friend in me

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Hello my lovely's, I hope that everything is going well for you guys and that you're enjoying this book so far. Also hydration check, drink some water ya dehydrated dumb dumbs, I already had my sip of water for the day so I'm good.


I can't believe I made a new friend outside of school, all by myself!

Bouncing in his seat as his bodyguard drove him to meet up with his friends for a "group project for science". Adrien was beyond excited as to how his new friend will be meeting Nino and his other friends. Radiating happiness like the ball of sunshine he was, his bodyguard couldn't help but smile knowing that the boy who was like a son to him, was actually happy.

Placide I.T., or better nicknamed by the ball of sunshine, the Gorilla, knew that the boy was going to spend time with his friends. To him, as long as Adrien was safe and happy, he didn't mind not informing Mr.Agreste as to the real reason to be out and about. 

Out of everyone in that place, Placide knew that Adrien needed to spend time away from Gabriel and be happy. He didn't know what caused Adrien to become more reserved as he grew older, aging from the happy little boy to the one numb boy who shrinks away from his father's touch.

Pulling into the parking spot near the Place des Vosges, he got out to go open the door for the boy. With being a man with few words due to his Akinetic mutism, Adrien learned how to communicate his best with his bodyguard is with a time frame in mind and saying what you need to say with the least amount of words possible, "We'll go home in 3 hours, ok?"

Receiving a nod from the bodyguard, Adrien left the car, seeing how the bodyguard remained in the car watching Adrien walk over to his friends.

Nino looked over and saw his favorite person in the world, "Hey dude!" running up to the blonde, engulfing him in a big hug that managed to lift him from the ground.

Both girls seeing this, Alya being the only smart one in the group decided to tease her boyfriend, "Nino, release!" whistling at him like he was dog only to burst out laughing as her boyfriend was flustered.

"Alya, quit doing that around people! Someone's gonna think that we're into some freaky shit" looking over to see the confusion evident on Adrien's face, "which isn't a bad thing, but uh, I'm not into that stuff."

Tilting his head towards at his dear friend, "What do you mean by freaky shit Nino?" Hearing the girls gasp, confusion growing even more upon the sunshine boy's face, "What? I'm just asking a question?"

Marinette turned to Nino upset, "Look what you did Nino, you've corrupted him! Never have we ever heard Adrien curse!" worrying about what else Nino has said around her perfect crush.

This caused Adrien to laugh, "Guys, Nino didn't 'corrupt me' I've always been able to curse. I just don't need to curse often around you guys. Trust me, I curse plenty when I get pricked and poked on set when they're adjust the clothes they have me model."

Looking at the boy they didn't recognize, "Dude, I've never seen you so relaxed and-- HOLY SHIT, what happened to your head." finally noticing the mark on his temple.

Feeling the former gash from the week prior, smiling to himself, "It was just an accident, don't worry though, someone helped me clean it up." remembering said person, "Oh, I actually invited her to officially meet you guys. You're all gonna love her, she's amazing!" 

This struck a cord in Marinette, "She?" the tinge of jealously beginning to fester

Adrien's smile grew while remaining oblivious to the apparent danger he was putting his new friend in, "Yea, she's amazing! She's the one who helped me clean up this up" gesturing to the mark, "and she's working with me on this new project Father put us together on."

This caused Nino's smile to shatter and turn into a frown, "Dude, I thought after that last project you did, you'd be finished modeling for good? I can't believe that your dad went back on his fucking word." kicking a rock that he saw near him to let out his frustration.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, "Nino, it's okay. I think I can negotiate with father again and maybe this time--"

Shaking off Adrien's hand, "No Adrien! Your old man is a fucking liar who can't keep his word. You had a deal with him, he agreed to your terms and everything, then he gets to back on his word, what the actual fuck is wrong with him?!"

Seeing just how upset her boyfriend was, "Nino, take a breather. Cool off because blowing up over something you can't fix right now won't help anyone, especially if Hawkmoth is on the prowl for negativity."

Realizing that she was right, the DJ took a deep breathe in, then out, "Thanks Alya."

Seeing a girl walk over, recognizing that it was Nini, Adrien ran over to greet her. Nini saw the running boy, opened her arms to show she wanted a hug. Not knowing if she'd be ok with it, Adrien just jumped into her arms and by reflex, she caught him.

"Dude, next time let me if this is how you're gonna greet me, I don't mind it but I don't want to accidentally not catch you." holding onto the boy and walking in the direction she previously saw him running from.

Not recognizing her face from 2 weeks ago, Marinette mumbles under her breathe in, "can't believe she gets to be so close to adrien, who does she think she is?"

Nini, not even having to hear her, seeing the face she was being given, remembering the small girl as Jagged's personal designer, "Marinette, quit being a horny obsessed teenager and actually be reasonable for once." not knowing just how true her words were. All Nini wanted to do was take the stank look off her face, which worked... briefly.

Sputtering and being unable to give a comeback, Marinette's face was flushed while Alya doubled over, laughing her ass off, "Holy shit! Adrien your friend has jokes! She got you good Mari, she's sharp!"

A pout forming onto Marinette's face as she turned away from her best friend to only see that the DJ was awestruck and frozen, "Nino?" wondering why Nino was in a state of shock.

Staring at his best friend, "Adrien..." walking closer to the pair, "I could kiss you for letting me see my idol again." completely awestruck, not noticing just how flushed Adrien's face looked, for it would definitely bring shame to Ladybug's suit for how red he was.

This caused both girls to look at the newcomer, realizing that Adrien's new friend was none other than NRA.

Marinette's face became pale, the only thing in her mind was Oh, oh no, oh I fucked up...shit


Hello my lovely's, I hope you appreciate me doing my research to find out the actual name for Adrien's bodyguard. Like the whole fandom accepted his name as the Gorilla but I literally wanted to flex my googling skills and find his real name 🤣

I also wanted to give a reason why he doesn't talk, creating some fanfic lore. I don't know why he doesn't actually speak, he's just a man of few words. The second link is to explain the made up reason that I tried to come up with.,communicating%20through%20grunts%20and%20expressions.,pain%2C%20thirst%2C%20or%20hunger.

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