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Hello my lovely's I hope life is treating you well. If any of you are from the Luka fanfic that's on my profile, I hope that you enjoy my work enough to stick around to reading this


Felling the ache in her bones, Nini couldn't help but groan at the fact that she felt so old when she was still considered young. Living the life of stardom wasn't for everyone but Nini wouldn't give up the feeling of preforming for her fans for anything in the world. Ok, she'd give it up for one thing but it was most likely not going to happen for like a decade from now so she didn't have to worry to much.

Nini was about to crash on her bed in yet another hotel she was staying at during her Europe tour, she felt vibrations that did not cause waves any of pleasure for her, instead ones of frustration. 

Sounding like an unused organ in an abandoned church, lurching forward to see who was dumb enough to interrupt her only opportunity of precious sleep. Only for her to see one of her favorite people in the entire world call her up.

Sending metaphorical and possibly physical daggers if she could, "You have 10 seconds to explain why the fuck you're calling when I was about to fall into the sweet abyss of sleep." continuously sending glares to the idiot who called her at such ungodly time 

Hearing a wince from the other side of the line, "Well hello to you to sunshine. Come on little rocker, you know you've missed me." practically feeling him ruffling her hair from the other side of the screen.

"Jagged it's 4 in the fucking morning, couldn't this wait for another... 2 hours, I have practice early tomor- today, technically today." Trying to not wipe the sleep from her eyes wanting to go back to sleep as soon as Jagged ended the call.

Hearing pacing come from his side, she could tell that he had an idea cooking up in his brain, "Spit it out J-man, I can feel like your gonna burst and then Penny is gonna have to clean up your mess shit head."

Hearing the pacing stop, "I want to make a song with you for your new album and don't deny that you're not working on one, you always get your inspiration from traveling on your tours" is what made her want to slap him in the face for his stupid question.

Groaning, feeling as if that was all she could do at the moment to get across her ache and distress form her lack of sleep, "Is this why you decided to bother me from getting the sweet release into my free trial of death? Why didn't you ask me at a reasonable time of the morning and isn't your producer or owner of that record label made it so that way you can't work with any artist not from his label?"

Jagged boomed out in laughter, an insane laugh that she hadn't heard in ages, "He can kiss my ass Nini. I could give two flying fucks what that dip shit says." practically seeing his grin from her side of the call

Hearing pacing once more from Jagged's side, "Penny found a loop hole in the contract for me to be able to keep my music as my own and all that I earned from my sales from the label."

"That's fucking amazing J-man." yawning back, happy for her dear friend

Hearing booming laughter once more, "That fucker has nothing without me, his stupid son can barely compose cat piss and I'm taking you up on the offer to join your label, Lighting Records, it seems like there's lots of benefits. In the morning, well in 2 hours, the termination of my contract will be enacted and I'll be sending the contract you forwarded Penny last year. I still cannot believe it took me this long to do this."

Looking out the window, seeing how the stars were barely noticeable were now twinkling in the sky, they seemed brighter that night and now she knows why, "I'm glad you're finally joining my team Jagged." Finally glad that her favorite rocker is free from the bullshit rules in that contract of his, finally able to be his true self in his music.

Nini was then struck, a plan had started to formulate in her brain, "Listen JJ, the last stop on my tour is in Paris, I have a place there in the city so I can crash for a while and we can work more on our song and I can help you with what you'd like to do moving forward with the label. What do you think?"

Once more, Nini could hear the laughter of her dear friend, knowing that this is what freedom sounds like for him, "I think Paris is gonna be in trouble with two fabulous rockers taking the streets, we're gonna fucking raise hell in this bitch my little rocker."

This caused Nini to barrel over in laughter, "Dude, you literally remind me of that meme 'Oooo, I'm mentally ill' *snorts*" The two of them could barely breathe, until she heard someone yelling on Jagged's line.

Hearing the clear disappointment in his voice, "Sorry Nini, but I just got in trouble with Penny... again. She says I have to go asleep now and stop bothering you, night night, love you."

Thanking whoever put Penny in charge of Jagged, "Night night JJ, love you."

With Jagged finally ending the call, Nini collapsed on her bed, finally letting sleep overtake her mind, sending her into dreamland. She could only think about how the fuck she's gonna explain to her manger Sasha as to how she's staying in Paris instead of going back to the USA.

Well fuck me gently with chainsaw


Hello my lovely's I hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's short but this is only the beginning. Since most of my attention is on completing the Luka fanfic, this one will probably be updated once or twice a month. I'm still working out how I'll be updating this one so bare with me.

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