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Hello my lovely's, I hope life is treating you well. Also random wellness check to make sure you've ever drank some water or been outside today.

Also if there are questions that you guys have about the story, I plan to do a Q&A soon so upload any questions you have. And be prepared with the amount of pet names Sasha is about to throw Nini's way.


Almost shattering their driver's ears, "NO FUCKING WAY!?" not believing the words that came out of her managers mouth

Smirking at the disbelief on Nini's face, "Believe what you want мой маленький кролик, you know I've yet to lie to you." proceeding to text Penny that they're on their way to meet them at Le Grand Paris

Nini couldn't process what Sasha had just told her, "For the what, 4 years I've known you, you've never and I mean never let anyone get away with lightly touching your shoes even if it was an accident. And your telling me you just let Nathalie, a woman you've just recently met may I mind you, borrow your custom Prada High Heeled Black Satin Sandals?!" still looking at the complete stranger that sat next her, for she couldn't find the Sasha she knew.

"Please Nini dear, calm yourself" smirking to himself as if he were remembering a funny memory, " Besides I bought Ms.Sancoeur  her own pair, we have different shoe sizes кукла, I still have mine" hearing a sigh of relief from the singer, " I never told you this but you know that I value high quality shoes, especially a fabulous heel." receiving a nod and a gesture to continue, "But have I ever told why?"

"No," gasping in realization, "Am I about to gain some info to your mysterious backstory?!" jumping in her seat, turning her body completely to face him to show that she was all ears.

"Well моя крошка, let me tell you a story about little Sasha and growing up in Yakutsk, which is well known as the coldest city in the world."

Before getting to hear more, the car stopped.

"No, no, Sash, wait!" seeing him unbuckle his seatbelt, "You literally just started the story and--"

"It can wait Nini, now we have work to do." groaning at the fact that she may never get the chance again to find out about Sasha's past, she unbuckles her seat and follows Sasha. Stepping out of the vehicle with a helping hand, only to see flashes of light follow by mass amount of questions.

"NRA, MISS NRA OVER HERE!" seeing the flashes of the camera constantly shine in her face, bombarding her personal space, only to get dragged over to a reporter

Placing the microphone closer to the signer "Don't be amused, it's just the news, I'm Nadja Chamack and I'm currently live outside of the studio with the celebrity that on's everyone's lips, NRA! Miss NRA, your fans are dying to know why your stay in Paris has been extended? Is it true that you're here to visit Jagged Stone?" trying to get a response from the her.

Having to intervene, "No comment." Sasha stormed over with an icy glare that froze the reporter in her tracks as dragging Nini away from the invasive woman.

Still not being deterred by Sasha's cold tone, "We might've not received any verbal confirmation but that was the infamous Sasha Volkov, NRA's manager know to be quite cozy with the younger signer. Is this a secret romantic rendezvous with her older manager or is there more to why the pair are here in the city of love, does it have anything to do with the infamous Jagged Stone? I'm Nadja Chamack and stay tuned to learn more!" beckoning the camera man to follow the pair as they entered the hotel, only to be blocked by security.

Finally escaping the noise and clutter of the news and fans outside, the pair were met with security, "Miss NRA, we were informed by Jagged Stone that you'd be arriving. We don't know who leaked your arrival to the press but rest assured that we're figuring out who's the sellout as we speak ma'am."

"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! None of you know how to do your jobs right!" Seeing a very infuriated blonde march over to the singer, "You!" pointing at the security guard who was speaking to the signer, "Get back to your post or else I'll have my father do a much more through review when it comes to who stays on the job, got it?"

Seeing his life flash before his eyes, "Yes Ms.Bourgeois!" nodding along as he ran back to security monitors.

Turning towards the singer, "My apologies Miss NRA, I'm Chloe Bourgeois, my father owns the hotel. If you'd follow me, I can escort both of you to Jagged Stone's suite since know of those new guys haven't bothered to learn the layout of the hotel properly." guiding the pair to the elevators.

Once entering the elevator, Nini looked over the girl, seeing the pride that she held in her fathers business, "So Chloe, I noticed that you're wearing a bracelet I promoted last year in Pandora's Holiday Line. Do you happen to be a fan of mine?" 

Trying to keep her cool, "If I am, that doesn't change much since you still need to arrive to Jagged's suite." for only to hide a flustered look upon her face.

Smiling at the younger girl, "Wait, Sasha do you have any paper and a marker or pen in your brief case?"

Rummaging through the brief case and pulling out what she requested, "Thank you Sasha. Now," using the wall of the elevator to write upon, "You seem pretty chill Chloe and I like the dress you're wearing, not a lot of people can pull off that honey color well but it looks absolutely wonderful on you." once finishing, giving Chloe her autograph.

Hearing the ding of the elevator, they all stepped out. Chloe directed them to Jagged's suite and quickly left to not disturb them any further.

"Oomph!" immediately knocked down to the ground the second Nini stepped into the suite

Running over to help her, Jagged and Penny were shocked at Fang's sudden greeting, "Fang! That's no way to greet your Auntie!"

Nini, waving them off and starts to pet Fang's head, "Oh come on Jagged, you can't stay mad at this cutie! Sasha, why can't I get a cool pet like Fang?!" looking up to see Sasha shaking his head with disappointment

"кукла we've been over this, no." crossing his arms, not wanting to go over the millions of reasons why Nini can't get a crocodile.

Managing to sit up and continuing to pet Fang, "Come on, I can get us the house we saw during our trip in Louisiana and we--"


Stoping dead in her track, Nini looks back down to Fang, "Sorry Bub, guess you won't have a cousin anytime soon." placing a kiss on the croc's forehead.

Feeling pleased with the affection given to him, he waddled off of the singer who was finally able to get up with the help of Sasha, "Now let's get to--"

Hearing the screams that erupted from down below, Nini got curious and walked over to the nearest window and saw fans holding up signs with very disturbing questions. Most pertaining to her with either Sasha or Jagged, some of which if any of them were true Jagged and Sasha would've end up directly on Dateline or How to catch a Predator.

Seeing her body tense, "Jagged, I'm this close" barely any space between their fingers "to just registering and purchasing a gun and become a stereotypical American and shoot those crazy ass bitches off the street." looking down at them with disgust and sticks her middle finger to flick them off, quickly going away from the window before someone could take a picture.

Letting out a deep breath, "Now, let's get to work." proceeding to sit down on one of the many couches present in the seating area as Sasha and Penny closed the curtains to block the outside world.


Hello my lovely's I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and all. Also here are the translations to the nicknames that Sasha calls Nini. 

мой маленький кролик = My little bunny

кукла = babydoll

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