Sugar Rush

17 1 0

Hello my lovely's, while writing this I'm fucking pissed because I started writing this chapter and Wattpad being a big meanie didn't save my work!


Still in pure shock, the trio now made aware of who was with them, caused many different reactions to stir.

Alya, more than happy to welcome someone who knew how to joke around but not push it, "Well, if we're reintroducing ourselves, I'm Alya." offering her hand to Nini to be received.

Nino, finally removing himself from his stupor, "Adrien, whatever you want from me, I'll do it, I mean it."

"Nino, you don't need to--"

Gripping the still flustered model, "Adrien when I mean whatever, I fucking mean anything, nothing's off limits. You basically achieved something that I never thought would be possible in this life time, I fucking owe you my life." locking onto him, staring the poor boy down.

Managing to rip her boyfriend off of Adrien, "Nino, release! Heel!"

Letting go out of embarrassment, "Alya, for the last time I'm not a dog!" crossing his arms realizing that his idol was still there, "I'm so sorry about all this Miss NRA, I--"

Cutting off the die hard fan, "Ok dude, cut that Miss shit out, call me Nini. I'm not that much older than you. Anyone that's friends with this ball of sunshine makes you my friend too." Looking at the auburn haired girl, "Besides, that shit was hilarious Alya. Just don't pull that in front of Sasha. I don't want him to get any ideas, he might just try using a whistle to get my attention." 

Looking over to the pale designer, "Is she ok? She looks like she just saw through the gates to the Underworld?" worried that her joke might've offended her.

Alya yanks on Marinette's arm, pulling her out of brain and back into the conversation, "She'll be fine," seeing the color return to her complexion, "So we planned to find Andre's ice cream cart and get some of his match making ice cream. Mari girl, do you plan on getting any soulmate ice cream?"

"Soul mate ice cream?"

Seeing the singer's confusion, "Well Nini, Andre has this uncanny ability to find out who your soul mate is with his ice cream." receiving a nod showing she understands, " Nino and I tend to get his couple ice cream but I think we can switch things up today and all of us can get soulmate ice cream."

Not wanting to wait, "Come on sunshine boy, let's go get some of that magical ice cream," proceeding to pull Adrien towards the wrong direction.


"Finally!" the group of new found friends had reached the infamous ice cream cart after searching for it for half an hour, finding the cart on one of the many bridges over the Siene. 

"Welcome, welcome!" Noticing the new comer with the group, "Ah, who is this young mademoiselle?"

Waving towards the magic ice cream man, "I'm Nini, nice to meet you Andre."

Looking over the young girl, he could see that there was more beyond the surface. Just like with everyone he's since, they all had many parts that made them who they were. But young lady in front of him posed a challenge. The intricate layers that made a blend and mix of emotions towards her true hearts desire made him decide to break his rule.

Creating space to mix the flavors together and grabbing a bowl rather than the small cup/stands he normally used, "Andre, I thought you said you wouldn't use a bowl unless under certain circumstances?" seeing the small designer in shock

"Well Marinette, I'd never thought I see the day I meet someone like Nini seeking out soulmate ice cream. People who are similar to Nini tend to find their soulmates much easier than others, never seeking out my services." he spoke while preparing his station.

"Wait, did you say soulmates?! As in plural, more than one?!" surprising everyone there, except Nini.

"Hey, makes sense to me" shrugging her shoulders, "Besides I'm willing try anything once, let's do this." stepping closer to the cart.

Alya whipped out her phone, "This is basically a legend in the making, I have to record this."

"Well as for the bowl" showing that it was bigger than the other cup he generally used, "For what holds the ice cream represents the amount of love someone can nurture in this life time. You, however, are one of the far and few in between that can balance the love that enters your life." Scooping out the first two flavors, "These represent the 2 romantic loves of your life, blue raspberry for his calming truth and black cherry for her unwavering loyalty." Mixing the two together, "Together, once never thought to mix, they show their determination with their love."

Placing the mixed ice cream all on one half and the other half remaining empty, "For your last 2 soulmates, both just as important, for your the family they always needed. Lime green, though locked in his gilded cage, will care for you, viewing you larger than life for truly being there for him. Honey, though sweet can easier become bitter when not properly cared for, she'd faced loneliness just like he has." Gently scooping each flavor out, bringing them together in gentle folds, "Once together, could their inner child be healed and may they grow with your guidance."

Finishing constructing the ice cream, "I like your funny words magic man. Anyway, how much do I owe you?" reaching to grab her wallet.

"No" shaking his head, "For my first time customers, I do not charge."

Seeing a tip jar, Nini took out a 20. She place it into the jar, stepping back before Andre could decline.

Adrien stepped forward, "Could I go next?"

Gesturing for the boy to step forward, whispering to the boy "Now you do have a romantic soulmate, but I fear that if I do this now, things won't end smoothly for your group." confused by his warning, deciding to not question it just nods, sadden by the news, "However you have a familial soulmate you've yet to realize." gesturing towards the girl enjoying her ice cream, "I know things seem tough now, but it will get better soon I promise."

Leaning away from the boy, "Now, these flavors I don't normally have but a new American vendor came this week to give me these flavors to use. I think they would go well to describe her, rocky road for her protectiveness, red velvet for her fiery passion and strength, and lavender for her calming essence. All in all, together a blend of what was once lost in your life, the puzzle piece missing in your true family." handing the boy his ice cream, walking over to Nini who was eating her ice cream little ways from the cart.

"Hey Nini," catching the singer off guard with a mouth full of ice cream.

Quickly swallowing the cold dessert, "Adrien, dude, I normally don't like fruit flavors for ice cream but all of them are together are so fucking good." Looking at his ice cream, "What did you get from the magic ice cream man?"

Laughing at what was probably the only way for Andre to be so exact in his 'predictions', "Well, I got rocky road, red velvet and lavender. He doesn't normally--"

"Oh come on, those are literally my favorite flavors! If I ever had to pick 3 ice cream flavors to eat for the rest of my life, it would be those." Looking at the beautiful masterpiece in front of her, " Come on sunshine, let me have a bite. I haven't had some ice cream this good since Italy, please."

Laughing at her antics as he was dodging away from her attempts to take his ice cream, running around on the bridge like little kids. They were having so much fun as the sun reached the golden hour in the evening sky, soon going their separate ways.


Hello my lovely's, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. As you can see, Wattpad decided to save my work this time around, thank fuck. These past few chapters are meant to be some light hearted stuff before we go back to our scheduled angst fest along the way.

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