WTF is in the water?!

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Hello my lovely's, I hope that everyone is having a good day so far, I hope that everyone is enjoying this story so far. This is one that I've been planning for a while and I hope that able to continue writing this one since I'm working on another story simultaneously 


"Ah, Paris~ the city of lights, city of love! The perfect place to perform, oh how I've missed thee!" Stretching her arms to embrace the final stop of her tour as they leave customs and exiting Aeroport de Paris Orly.

Feeling a sharp petrifying glare, "And apparently the city of impulsivity. I can't believe your catering to Jagged's whims and staying in Paris?!" as her manager, Sasha, attempts to become medusa feeling herself become stone, trying to not crumble to the ground.

Turning to her dear manager with a sheepish grin, "C'mon Sasha, if anyone can explain to the big boss lady why I need to stay in France, it's you." trying to smooth over the amount of chaos she was creating. Not even receiving a scoff, Nini grew worried, "Sash, think about it. I got her a big sensational artist to leave his old label, giving her a new artist that is already well know. And! And, according to Jagged's contract, he needs to create and release a new album within the first 3-6 months of joining our label. Now I don't know about you, but it takes a lot of work to write, record, promote and release an album in a limited time frame. I get it that Jagged has the majority of it down but there's still other things he's going to need help with and he's like my idol and best friend at the same time." bring her hands to together, getting ready to beg.

Facing the singer with the feeling of annoyance bubbling deep from inside, "If he needed help, he could've flown back to the states with us. There's no need for the both of you to stay. Besides, you need to work on your album, which I mind you, the teaser song is scheduled to be released in 3 months, which is when all your songs need to recorded and ready. Then there's so many things you need to do and--"

Cutting off her anxious friend, "I can do all that with the branch that they have stationed here in Paris. If anything, utilizing my resources, and when it comes to  promoting my album, social media can reach my fans far and wide since that's were they get most news about me anyway--" in an attempt trying to sooth his worries

Butting in, "You know that's not enough Nini!"

Casting a tried side eye, "I know that Sasha, I was getting to that. As for talk shows, we schedule one in a month here in Paris since I can use this to add as theming for the album, it's an easy addition and I won't need to change much. I can film the music videos here and create a good story element that I have with the new songs I have written. Then in 4 months from now I can be in the states on like 5 different talk shows just in time to release the album." Smiling once done explaining a plan that the manager could not deny as fool proof.

Traveling deeper into the city, did both the singer and her manager notice how off the citizens of Paris seemed. It seemed that everyone was overly cheery and happy... like everyone they saw walking on the street. Like good for them, but what the fuck was the government putting in the water to make everyone happy and how can the singer get that doubled.

Even their taxi driver was overly cheery, the pair looked at each other in a silent agreement it's in the water.

After a short 20 minute car ride, the two finally made it to the 4th Arrondissement, with the Notre Dame in walking distance it was one of the best areas to have an apartment in Le Marais district. Nini knew during her first visit to Paris many years ago that this was the area she wanted to live in.

Dragging her luggage out the taxi while Sasha paid the fare, Nini took in the view of Pont Louis-Phillipe bridge leading to one of the two Seine islands linked to Pont Saint-Louis bridge. Nini was completely enamored with amount of history and architecture she taking in, that she didn't hear the taxi drive off while Sasha was trying to get their attention for the past 5 minutes.

"NINI!!!" Yelling, since that was the only way to get them to pay attention. Seeing the oblivious singer quickly turn towards the source of clear distress and annoyance.

"What?" Not receiving a verbal response, only to be dragged into the apartment building with her belongings as they trudged up the many flights of stairs. 

Feeling the weight of her luggage carry behind her, since she didn't want Sasha to carry her belongings, "Tell me why I insisted on being on the top floor with a building that doesn't have an elevator again?" Before her manager could answer, he unlocked the door to enter a beautiful open concept living space.

Walking in and leaving her luggage by the door, seeing the kitchen towards the back of the apartment with a long marble bar-top island leading to what would've been indoor dining space to become more of a deck than a balcony having seating outside. Following more back into her line of sight was the living room with a grand sectional and hand carved mahogany coffee table with more access to connect yet another exit to a separate outdoor balcony.

"Never mind Sash, I just remembered." walking in further towards her bedroom  down the hall, passing her bonus room and bathroom. Entering her room, she was greeted with a massive California King sized bed.

Collasping onto her fluffy, oh so fluffy bed, she was met with the harsh ground after being dragged away, "Oh no you don't Babydoll! We just came by to drop off your luggage and then we're heading over to prep and practice before your concert tonight. I called ahead for security to drive us to the venue."

Her attempt in running, well, crawling away from her responsibilities was fruitless and she was inevitability dragged out of the apartment till she was forced to drag herself down the many flights of stairs and land in the car.


Hello my lovely's, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I ended up writing more than I thought I was gonna write and ending up now writing everything I had for this chapter so another one well be following this one shortly after.

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