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Hello my lovely's I hope that everything is going well for everyone.

Also WARNING!!! Adrien will be experiencing a mental break down and having a panic attack, if these things are sensitive topics to read... well this may be the wrong book for you since a lot of fucked up shit happens and so far we're still in tame territory.


Waving her phone, showing that it was still recording, "Now here's what's gonna happen Monsieur Agreste."

"This highly inappropriate and unprofessional behavior--"

Sticking her hand out, "No, you don't get to speak sir. It's my turn to speak and your turn to listen. Now, I know all your dirty little secrets as to how you treat your models at your company. Now I don't wish to completely destroy you just yet. No, I would like a fair fight. Collect your counter evidence, get your affairs in order." Waving her phone, showing that she didn't end the recording, "In the mean time, I'd say if you really wish for me to elevate your brand and put you back in the position of power being something significant and note worthy in the world of fashion, you're gonna do business the right way and adhere to my needs so that way I can do my work properly."

Grabbing the copy of the revised contract from Sasha's brief case, "Now Sasha and I looked over the contract and we found those nasty little loopholes in there, basically saying that you'd get majority of the profits and I'd barely get 5% once the photos are publicized and the clothes themselves are finally in stores with the reason behind purchase of said clothes would be because I associated myself with your brand. See that's one of the many, many things that needed to be fixed in order for me to agree to work with you." Handing the copy to Nathalie, "Nat, sweetness, you're a quick reader, aren't you? Can you reread what was revised and reassure to Monsieur Agreste that what I'm asking for is just the basic rights and compensation that anyone would receive with a quote on quote 'designer brand'?"

While Nathalie was reading over the revisions in contract, Nini could only feel glee that she was getting revenge and justice for the models that have told her their troubles.

This is a dream, right?

Adrien could barely comprehend as to what was happening. Never could he ever imagine that there could be someone who stand up to his father, directly opposing him.

Pausing, rereading what she just saw, "Wait, this is saying that you'll only agree if the other models on the project received similar worker compensation packages like yours?" showing the revised section to Gabriel.

Nodding, "Yes, it's called making sure you're giving everyone basic rights. If I find out that anyone in your brand is being paid anything less than what you were offering me, I won't do the project." crossing her arms, showing that this would be the one of many things she'll refuse to change.

Looking over to her phone, Gabriel couldn't see another way out, "Well played Miss Alonzo. Well, Nathalie, do her terms stand for any reason to be... over zealous besides her display of rebellion." glancing at the singer

"No Mr.Agreste, everything seems to be perfectly reasonable that we should be able to provide." Taking out a pen, handing it to Gabriel to sign the contract.

Signing the contract and handing the pen over to Nini, "Well Miss Alonzo, I agree to your terms. I hope that you and my son work well together and--"

Adrien, in a state of shock, "Wait, Father! You didn't say that I was working on this project?! I thought after the last one it would mean the end of my modeling duties!" shouting his clear lack of unawareness.

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