Boss Bitch

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Hello my lovely's, as I'm writing this, I realized that I've been on a roll so far when it comes to writing these chapters so I'm gonna go with the flow. I know that Christmas is coming up and I can't wait!


Feeling a little intimidated after seeing the miniature signer, his best friend who he views as an absolute sweet heart, practically own that poor assistant, "Little rocker, um... are we able to talk about our work or am I gonna end like her?"

Looking over to the assistant who just regained her composure, "My apologies Miss Alonzo. I'll have the contract sent to both you and Mr.Volkov, if you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave now--"

"Oh relax Nat, you can stay a little longer, can't you? I mean I know that my bark seemed harsh but it's not as bad as my bite." Receiving silence from the assistant, "I kid, I kid. Geez, where'd my sense of humor go?"

Noticing an equally flushed but ravenous look from Sasha, seeing how he was eyeing the assistant, "Anyway, if you're up for it, Sasha here can go over the basics of everything that I would turn down in the contract with you. Sasha, I'm expecting you take very good care of our new colleague Ms.Sancoeur." feeling a devious smile creep onto her face, "I'm just guessing since I'll hopefully be working with Mr.Agreste, the two of you should get to know each other better. You and Nat can use my dressing room to discuss more... business so to speak. If you need anything, I mean anything Nat, Sasha would be more than thrilled to help you. As for you Jagged" turning to see the rocker in shock, "Me, you and Penny can talk over there." pointing in the opposite direction.

"Ms.Sanceour, hopefully if the discussion between you and Sasha goes well, I'll be seeing you next week." sticking her hand out to receive a hand shake, as Sasha quickly swooped in guiding Nathalie towards the dressing room that Nini and the others did not approach for the rest of the evening.


Bashing her head repeatedly against the passenger set in front of her, "Ugh, Sash! I can't believe that adorable little ball of sunshine is the child of that grumpy unfashionable piece of shit?! I mean don't get me started on his current look, first he looked like a half used tampon and now he looks like a tampon straight of the box?! Like seriously, who the fuck told him to wear all white, especially with his complexion!" as she groaned in frustration at the stupidity she'll be going through.

"Well at least Nathalie actually has some sort of fashion sense when we saw her last week." Looking over the contract that he made changes to be reviewed with Mr.Agreste today.

Burrying her head further into the car seat in front of her, "At least you're getting something out this, getting to see Nathalie again. Say, you care to tell me how the fuck the two of you stick figures broke the two seater in the dressing room?" hiding her smirk, knowing just how strong Sasha really is and that he's no where near a damn stick figure in means of strength.

Smirking to himself, trying not to laugh, "Babes you know exactly what the fuck happened in that room. The stains speak for themselves." remembering how the state he left the assistant in.

Turning to face her dear manager, "Maybe we can cancel, say that I got typhoid flu and I'm highly contagious! Or maybe--"

"Nini, how many times did you listen to Noel's Lament last night?"

"..." refusing to look at her manger, "you can't prove anything you big meanie" mumbling under her breathe

"Nini" pinching the bridge of his nose, "you can't cancel the meeting, besides we just pulled up so no backing out now."

Begrudgingly stepping out of the vehicle, thanking the driver that Mr.Agreste provided them, "Miss NRA!" seeing the bubbly blonde come down the stairs to greet them.

Please Help Me(Platonic Adrien Agreste x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora