get it off

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Hello my lovely's




I literally despised writing this chapter because of creepy and disgusting Gabriel's character was gonna be even worse than what I planned in creating the plot points of each chapter that I upload, like the intensity of what it was originally gonna be was far much worse than what y'all about to read.

So the amount of "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" content that was about to take place just had to be yeeted out the window due to my own discomfort. But good news is that none of you will be tortured by the inner workings of my mind :)

WARNING!!! Reading any further, you'll find lots of emotional manipulation, mentions and implications of physical and sexual abuse, attempted physical/sexual assault(and/or harassment), self harm, and mentally spiraling 


Pulling up to the gates of the mansion, with a sense of dread that the model had gone used to since he started leaving the cold building to find an escape with other children his age.

Adrien your not a child anymore, father said so, your 18 now

Quickly gathering his items from the vehicle as the bodyguard swiftly got out to open the door for the boy. Stepping out of the vehicle, being ushered up the steps did Adrien begin to pray as he normally did.

It didn't matter who he was praying to, he didn't care. All he cared was that someone was listening to him and that his prayers would be answered. Thanking whoever listened to him, his father was not present when he entered through the front doors. He's almost home free, all he needed to do was make it to his room.

As he began to run up the stairs, reaching for the door nob. Though leading to his gilded cage, it was his only refuge in this place, "Adrien?" only for any sense of safety to be ripped away from him like a cruel joke. He was probably too thankful to whoever thought that he didn't need sanctuary.

Reluctantly, Adrien turned around to see the one person he prayed every day to avoid being near. The boy started to trudge down the stairs below and distance himself from his safe haven. Attempting to avoid eye contact, only to be harshly grabbed by his chin, forcing him to look upwards, "That's no way to treat your father Adrien, look at me when I'm talking to you boy." seeing the icy Tundra present in his father's eyes.

Letting go of him, his father gave him a curt smile, "Walk with me" knowing that it was a request but an order he had to follow.

Unable to deny his father's command, he follows him to his office. Closing the door behind him, only for it be left slightly open, in hopes for an easier escape. He follows his father to sit down on the couch while his father choose to remain standing.

Seeing the look in his eye change, Adrien's defenses and sense of dread grew intensely, "Adrien, my son I know I've been quite critical of your performance as of late" as his father grew closer to him, taking his hair out of the bun he put in earlier during fencing practice.

Breathe Adrien, breathe damn it!

We can't black out, we can't, not now

Anywhere but here you idiot, you know it's not safe

But we won't remember it if we do

We need to escape

No, we need to survive

we can't make father angry again

Please Help Me(Platonic Adrien Agreste x OC)Where stories live. Discover now