Just Like Pinocchio

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Hello my lovely's, I hope everything is going well for you all. Also I had to go back and find the episode Adrien's photographer is introduced in to find this line he said. 

Also WARNING! Creepy behavior from Gabriel, like it's gonna get even worse and if this chapter makes you uncomfortable, then I would suggest stop reading because it's only gonna get worse.


"No, no, no! The boy has eaten too much of the spaghetti! There is lack of romance present, quickly, bring in another model to partner with the boy. Quickly, we need a touch up on make up" clapping his hands, putting the make up team to work.

Adrien, progressively getting evening more tired due to the lack of rest from being picked up from school, to car ride the photoshoot he's presently at. Adrien could barely process as to what was even happening anymore, growing numb to the flashes of light and quick movements of tapping, rubbing and prodding of the mass amounts of make up including the readjustments of the clothes.

All he could process was the harsh cold air present in the studio as it would constantly brush up against him, barely having his shirt buttoned up to show off more of his skin. Adrien could only do what his father asks of him, even if the clothes he must constantly model are ... distasteful for his preferences.

Ever since his eighteenth birthday 4 months ago, his father decided to include even more photoshoots onto Adrien's schedule, introducing more proactive appearances because he was of age. From having his shirt unbuttoned to underwear shoots, there was now no type of clothing he hasn't modeled. This is including the "unconventional" formal wear with him wearing a gown as his father put it "there is no gender for clothes, only for people".

While a positive sentiment, it made Adrien uncomfortable for how incessant his father was to wear the gown. Having his now long hair braided during the shoot, he never felt so feminine is such a negative way. The poses he done made made him feel as if he were a woman, not upset with the idea but rather put off that was what his father was looking for intentionally. 

He didn't like what femininity meant to his father. He remembers preparing for this photoshoot, he remembers the structure and intensity of diet he went under, more or less the lack of food provided to become thinner than what he already was. To his father, femininity just meant becoming skin and bone to reach perfection. That's what made a woman beautiful in his eyes. Being physically weak and docile was beautiful to him. Appearing almost like a corpse that was going to commence corrosion of its flesh.

Once realizing he'd been on auto pilot, the shoot was over and he was getting undressed. He stopped, seeing that someone else walked in.

He couldn't hear them, he could barely see them only processing that a blur ran out of room. The air was still there, he could see that he was still in dressing room, he's safe. So why did it feel like the air in the room was disappearing?

No, no, no, no, breathing keeps you alive idiot

We need to breathe, we can't die, Ladybug needs us

We're fine, I'm fine

I just need to breathe 

Finally feeling the air enter his lungs, did Adrien start to calm down.

Ignoring what happened, Adrien continues to undress and put on his clothes to leave. Adrien doesn't have the time to think about what happened, he has to get back to the mansion, he can't be late nor derail from the schedule.


Finally getting a brief nap in the car ride back, Adrien arrives back to the Agreste Mansion he his greeted by Nathalie.

With the only kind smile Adrien receives within the mansion, "Good evening Adrien, you still need to practice piano since your lessons were rescheduled for tomorrow but that can wait till your father discusses about the photoshoot today." Nathalie guides Adrien to his father's office while explaining.

Opening the door, Adrien sees that his father is already going through the photos taken today, approving which ones that will go through to be edited then to be either posted on the company website, sent to the company magazine or to fashion news outlets. 

"Greetings Adrien, Nathalie if you could give us some privacy for a moment." Nodding her head, Nathalie leaves the room, closing the door on her way out.

Not turning to spare a glance at his son, "Adrien, come here." ordering the boy to stand by his side.

Adrien saw that his father was looking over is daily checkups, noting the weight he had gained back from the time he wore the gown to now, "You've reached max weight that's allowed Adrien, gain anymore and we'll have to put you back under the previous diet."Nodding his head, not daring to respond as his father placed a hand upon his shoulder. 

Gabriel began to touch his hair, overlooking the current length, "I thought that you refusing to cut your hair would deter and ruin your popularity, I was furious with your... rebellion so to speak." Pausing, looking over the tense state his son was in, " However, instead of your popularity decreasing it only increased. I think you should maintain it for another 2 months before we have it cut to your shoulders." continuing to run his hand through the blonde locks

"As for your performance today, I received a note that it was less than stellar, that'll need to be corrected during the next following photoshoots." Leaning closer towards Adrien as his son attempted to create a safer distance, only to tighten his grip on Adrien's hair.

Smiling towards the scared boy, "Now there's no need to be scared Emilie, you know I would never hurt you. I care for you, I love you." loosening his grip to continue playing with his hair, lost in the length.

With a shaking breathe, "Father, I'm afraid your confused, I'm Adrien... I'm not mom--" wincing one more feeling his father's grip tighten once more.

Glaring at the boy, "Now that's no way to speak to me, is it? Correcting me and being so disrespectful." coming back to his sense, he lets go of the blonde locks of hair and Adrien quickly steps away.

Straightening his tie, "I'm having you go with Nathalie on a business venture to convince this musician to work on a new project of mine. I heard that this NRA is popular, so I hope you'll enjoy yourself at this... outing." turning to face the boy, "You'll be leaving with Nathalie in half an hour, go and change into the outfit I have set for you in your room." now returning to his uncaring stare, watching his son run out of his office as he returned to continue reviewing Adrien's mistakes within the photoshoot, seeing what he can salvage from the boy's mistakes.


Finally reaching his quarters, did Adrien start to breathe once more, looking over the outfit his father has prepared for him. But before he's able to change, an akuma alert is heard from his phone.

Groaning, Plagg zooms away hoping to get some cheese before inevitably hearing the phrase "PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!", proceeding to transform and leaping out of the window of his gilded cage.


Hello my lovely's, this is were we start our descent into madness. I hope this chapter hasn't disturbed you too much because there are still much more fucked up things to come that I have no idea how the fuck any of us getting into heaven if there is one. 

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