It's fine...

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Hello my lovely's, this chapter is gonna be pretty messy...

WARNING! If the discussion of blood and forms of self harm are upsetting for you to read, please, seriously stop reading this book, because as I've stated in previous chapters, it's only gonna get more severe from this point on.


Glaring at the designer, unable to process the absolute stupidity personified sitting in front of her, "Gee I don't know Mr.Agreste, maybe it's because he's still a child and should be experiencing and reacting things like, hmm I don't know, a child would!"

Scoffing at the outburst, "Adrien is 18, he's hardly a child anymore. Besides he knows better than to act this way in a business meeting."

Looking over to Sasha, seeing that he was also at the verge of killing the personification of evil in front of them, "Well if you'll excuse me Mr.Agreste, I'm going to go check on your son, who's your child by the way." Standing up, walking out of the office.

Upon exiting the office and shutting the doors behind her, she heard yelling followed by rapid breathing and crying coming from what seemed to be towards the back of the house. Slowly walking towards the sound, not wanting to upset the boy any further.

"Adrien?" Walking out to what was a beautiful breathe taking garden out back, only to see a horrifying sight that truly knocked the air out of lungs. 

Adrien, crying as if he could drown in his tears while continuously hitting the side of his head as the blood smeared across his face, blending with his tears. It took so much out of her to not vomit at the sight. It was a horrifying miracle that Adrien didn't pass out from much strength he was putting behind his strikes, as the blood slowly became even darker with each strike he applied to his temple.

"Holy shit Adrien!" Running to the boy, trying to grab his arms to get him to stop hurting himself.

Still in a state of panic,"NO! LET ME GO!" struggling against the girl, unable to find any more strength from his arms after depleting his energy from his strikes.

Holding him in place, disregarding the blood that leaked onto her clothes as she head his face to look at her, "Adrien, you're in the garden in the back of your house. You are outside, the sun is out beaming onto the flowers and there are few clouds floating in the sky." 

Ripping himself from her hold, tears trying to wash away the blood that spread to the front of his face, "go away, you don't care... no one really does." only for it to smear and morph together.

Bringing the boy to look at her once more, "If I didn't care, then why would I run out of the office looking for you Adrien?!" with no response coming from the boy, seeing that she managed to ground him somewhat as he tried to regain control of his breathing, "Listen, I get that we just met and all that, but I'm not such a fucking asshole that I would fake caring for another human being. You're hurt and I want to help you. Let me help you, please."

Wiping his tears away, seeing just how much blood began to stain the ground surrounding them, hoping that his father won't be too furious with what he's done "please, help me Nini."

Holding her hand out for the boy to take it, "Come on Adrien, let's go find a first aid kit so that way we can try to clean this up, okay?"

Nodding, trying to get up, only to crash back down to the ground. Almost smashing his head onto the concrete, Nini caught the boy quite easily, "Holy shit you're light?! Does your father not feed you?!" picking him up easily and carried the boy inside, "Ok, where would we find a first aid kit?"

Pointing to the bathroom across the hallway, they enter and she places him onto the counter and rummages through the lower cabinet and finds a fully stocked first aid kit. Taking out the antiseptic wipes and a bandage wrap, she started cleaning the wound. 

Turns out the wound wasn't as deep as she thought once she cleaned up the blood surrounding it. But was worrisome was that with such a shallow wound, it seemed like the boy just bled easily, in turn losing a lot of blood.

This is nice... why is she being so nice to me?

Not noticing that he began to tear up again, "Why are you crying? I get that it might sting but I'm not hurting you Adrien, am I?" worried that she was doing more harm than good.

Wiping his tears away, once realizing that he cried again, "No, you didn't hurt me. It's just, no one's ever done something like this for me before. I haven't had a lot of people in my life and, well no one would be around to help me with something like," gesturing to his head, "this."

"You've never had someone care about you like this? What about your parents? I mean your mom?" Not being able to process just how fucked up Adrien's life is.

"No, my mom died when I was young, so I don't really remember if she ever did something like this" gesturing to the first aid kit, "and... father doesn't help me whenever I'm hurt" gripping onto his arms, trying to regain his breathing once more to not panic again.

"Fuck man, I'm sorry I just remembered, your dad's a piece of shit decorated with designer glitter." saying this caused the boy to laugh. Not once has anyone ever outright dissed his dad in his father's mansion as much as Nini has in the span of the hour she'd been here

Well there was the one time Nino yelled at Father--

Nope, shaking his head from where his head, that's different, Nino's isn't just anyone, he's special.

"Hey bud, I suggest not shaking your head too much. Like I'm good with my bandage work, but I'm not that good." Leaning over to tighten the bandage, checking to make sure everything was good, "And, done! So, what do you want to do Adrien?"

"Uh, what do you mean Miss Alonzo?" Tilting his head, confused by her question

"Adrien, we're friends now so call me Nini and what I'm asking is do you even want to work with me on this stupid project?" stepping back to give the boy some space, "I'm guessing that you normally don't get a choice on when you do something for your dad, but I'm not doing this if your being forced to. What do you want to do Adrien?"

Feeling a smile grow onto his face, "Maybe it won't hurt to work with you, you seem like someone who'd be fun to work with."

Laughing at his comment, "Oh, you have no idea what you just started Adrien." Placing her hand in his, "I'm a hot fucking mess to work with, your dad is gonna go through fucking hell for wanting to hire me, but I at least keep my word and get important work done."

Laughing back with her, "I think you'd like my friends. You met them last week backstage at the concert, maybe we can all hangout sometime together?" explaining his great revolutionary idea.

Pulling the boy off of the counter, "Sure, why not. Now come on, I'm gonna need to borrow a shirt unless you want to explain the blood to Sasha." dragging him out to find a change of clothes


Hello my lovely's, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and that the new year has been treating you, I mean I hope it is since it's literally only been a couple days into the new year.

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