And Now Look At Me and This Opportunity~!

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Hello my lovely's, It's finally December and I'm counting the days that I finally get to travel and spend time with my family. Also classes are basically done and I can't wait.


"OH MY GOSH! I can't believe I'm finally here!" Shaking Alya by her shoulders back and forth as they're waiting in line to prove identification for back stage access.

Marinette is really happy for Nino since this was something that he's been waiting for what he considers a god send, the radio contest for tickets. With the help of paying Max to use Markov, he used more than 100 phones to be the one that rang in time to get the tickets, he almost died when he didn't get them when he wasn't selected. That is until they found out the caller was under 18 and there for was ineligible to win the tickets. They looked to see who was the second caller and Nino was selected.

While seeing her friend happy, did she notice someone who could help them bypass security, "Jagged! Penny! It's me, Marinette!" yelling and waving at him to get their attention.

The security guards that were with him were about to reprimand her until Jagged pushed them out of the way and went towards her and the screaming fans that were also in line, "Hey, it's my favorite designer! Guys, she's cool, let her and friends out, they can walk with me."

As Marinette, Alya and Nino walked out of the line, seeing the many shocked faces of the other fans which some were recording to post on Insta to find out just who was that girl. Nino was bouncing with glee, "I can't believe that Jagged Stone is escorting us back stage to a NRA concert! I have to be dreaming, Alya, pinch me!"

Instead of pinching him, she punched him in the face, "Sorry if I hit too hard, you did say punch, right?" worried if she hurt he badly

 Pausing for only a second, "Nope, but I'm very much awake, thanks babe!" continuing to bounce in every step he took

Sticking a thumbs up towards her gleeful boyfriend, "Anytime Nino, say Mari, can I get a quote for the Ladyblog as to how Jagged knows you?" whipping out her phone, not wasting the opportunity presented to her.

Not wanting to say anything without his or Penny's permission, "Well Alya, that's something you need to talk to Miss Rolling about."

Making it back stage, Penny turned towards the girl, "Actually, it's not just Rolling anymore. as of last month I'm officially Mrs. Penny Rolling-Stone"


Turning to Penny, "Come here babes, let me see the ring!" Penny, now smiling and looking flustered with all the attention on her, showing Nini the ring.

"I knew it was gonna look great on you hun. Congrats to you Jagged and Penny I'm so sorry that you're dealing with him even more than normal." receiving a glare from the infamous rocker and a laugh from the amazing manager.

Running in, "Nini! We need to get you mic'd up and do the final touches and-- IS THAT A RING?!" Sasha takes Penny's hand to get a closer look, "Fucking finally, I thought the two of you would never tie the knot. Congrats you two."

Turning to the 3 teens present, "Hey JJ, who are the little ones?" seeing them behind her bestie.

Said 3 teens had all very different reactions, one with a cap on his head looked like they were about to faint, the really short one smiled and waved and the other was holding onto the boy who was on the verge of collapsing.

Grabbing the short girl behind him to pull her in front of him, "Well this one is Marinette, that rocking designer I told you about. The other two are her friends. If I'm remembering correctly that one's the reporter and the other one is the DJ." Pointing at both Alya and Nino respectively.

Nini turned to look at the barely conscious boy, "Oh you're a DJ, maybe I can listen to some of your stuff and we can work on something together. There's something I've been wanting to try on my new album and I'd like to find some new talent to introduce to the scene, what do you say, um, what's your name?" sticking her hand out, wanting to shake his.

Alya took control of the situation, "I'm Alya, his partner. Nino is a bit in awe of your presence, he's a big fan of your music. Nino, hun, NRA is trying to talk to you?"

Nino, finally coming his senses and processing what just happened, "Alya did I just die and go to heaven or is the NRA asking me to possible work with her?"

Nodding, "Nino, you're not dreaming, want me to hit you again?" raising her arm ready to punch him.

Shaking is head and standing up, "Nope, first time hurt but I needed that. NRA I'm such a huge fan of yours and I'd love to show you some of my work and--"

Looking over at her annoyed manager, "Great, sorry to interrupt you dude. Listen, how about you give Sasha your contact info and we can get in touch after the concert. However, if you're sticking around after the concert, maybe we can talk then Nino. To avoid dying young, I think I should go get mic'd up and head over to do a sound check." giving him a quick hand shake.

Running over to Sasha, "Jagged, Penny, you and your friends can watch from back stage if they want. Also congrats again you two." then being proceeded to be dragged away by Sasha 

"Miss Alonzo, I'm Nathalie Sancoeur, I'm here on behalf of Gabriel Agreste--" cutting off the singer from preparing to go on stage 

"Sasha please escort Ms. Sancoeur and her... who's this by the way?" Looking over the blonde with confusion and curiosity.

Nathalie, thinking there was an opening for conversation, "This is Adrien Agreste, now I know you're busy but--"

"If you know that she's busy, then you won't mind waiting for her to, oh I don't know, do her job." Sasha spat out, already growing frustrated since there's barely any time to do a proper sound check before heading on stage.

"Miss Alonzo, you're on in 5."

"Fuck, ok, listen красивый, here's my card and I swear to Chernobog if you don't get out of our way you'll regret working for that sick sadistic son of a bitch. No offense kid." Sasha looking over to the blonde who barely reacted.

"I understand completely. Come on Nathalie, we shouldn't interrupt the concert." pulling the sputtering assistant out of their way, completely awestruck that someone would call out his father's behavior. 



Hello my lovely's, I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter and that you're ready for more to come.

Also translation for what Sasha said

красивый = beautiful

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