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Hello my lovely's I hope that you're enjoying this book so far. I'm literally on a role so far with how consistent I've been with uploading everything in a timely manner... hopeful I stick to it. If I can't, the Luka story get's priority since that one has less chapters to upload in total and is older.

Overall, I have the majority of each story I'm working on completely planned out. Also this akuma victim is referencing Gigantitan.



Thump, thump


Thump, thump





Thump, thump

Continuously hearing the pounding of pavement as she ran as fast as her feet could take her, thanking to whoever the fuck was up there that her parents insisted that she took cross country

Looking behind her to see Sasha making head way, "NINI GET BACK HERE!!!" Running away from her very angry manager, ignoring the stares that she got from on lookers.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!" Continuing to run away from her duties that she've was basically done with for about an hour earlier before her escape. Already growing tired and bored of her constant practice of things she's done what, 2 nights ago. She just needed a break to let some energy out, that's all.

Besides she was bored, what was she supposed to do, deal with it? Jagged would be terribly and utterly disappointed if she didn't cause some chaos during such an important rehearsal. As fellow agent of chaos, he'd be pleased with her escape.

Finally outrunning her manager, who should probably take up track for just the speed and endurance they displayed, hiding within Champs de Mars. Running all the way from the Grand Palais Éphémère, Nini could barely regain her breathe.

"Nini?! Where are you?!" only for her heart to drop in utter defeat.

How the fuck did Sasha catch up?! He's in heels for fucks sake?!

Not bothering to look for a hiding spot, Sasha finally caught up to the defeated singer, "Nini... you gotta stop doing this. You know you can just ask to go outside babes. Also, you owe me a new pair of heels." standing there slightly bent over with his arms on his knees, having a clear disappointed look upon their face as he was trying to regain his breath.

Walking over to her manager, "I'm so sorry daddy, I won't run off-- OW! What the hell Sash, I was just joking?!" Jumping away after being swatted by the brute force of her manager

"Knock it off Nini, and quit calling me daddy! You're making me feel old and I'm not that much older than you." Craning their head down looking at evident pout that appeared on Nini's face.

Walking back on the path to the venue, "Well I wouldn't call you that if you didn't act like one all the time. Besides with a hot ass like your's, you've probably been called that plenty of times already." only to be pushed off by annoying her manager once more.

"Nini, quit teasing me or else I'm gonna give you a fucking reason to call me daddy you fucking brat." Glaring at the singer whilst she's on the ground.

Feeling a smirk spread across her face, "Promise~?"

Hearing him scoff whist turning away from her, "Nini you're making me lose brain cells, I'm probably gonna go stupid-- NO Wait, I didn't mean--"

Smirking, "Ah you're stupid huh, I could work with stupid, Mommy likey dummy" wiggling her eyebrows while quoting the ever amazing Blitz.

Trying to hold back his laughter, with a shake of his head, "Oh, shut up ya filthy animal." Lending a hand to pick her up form the ground, "We have to head back now, break time's over."

Before being able to take another step, they both were struck to the ground by a harsh thump and shake from the ground. Wondering as to what the hell was going on, looking up towards the sky.


Before either of them could speak, a blur of black and red zoomed towards them, being picked up and now launched into the air, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!! IS THIS HOW I'M GONNA DIE?!

"Here you go ma'am, you should be safe here. I suggest you find a place to hide while me and m'lady deal with this." Looking up to see a blond man deck out in a skin tight leather cat suit with a ridiculous bell. 

Moving away from the animal themed heroes, did they get grabbed by the giant baby and then be proceeded to be thrown back to the ground.

With complete distress apparent on their face, "Listen here Goldie Locks, how about you and Peppermint Patty go get the lollipop guild cause y'all getting your asses' handed to you by a giant baby?!" did Nini yell out to the heroes while gaining the attention of said giant baby.

"Nini let them do their jobs and let's get the fuck out here cause I'd like to live past 40 if you don't end up killing me first." Dragging the stubborn singer away from the clear life and death situation in front of the pair. Out of all things that Sasha could've prepared for today, this was definitely not one of them.

Not once did either of them pay attention to said heroes battling the giant baby and reversing the damage that was created. All they wanted to do was leave and go back to the venue.

Deciding now that this was the right time to reprimand the singer, "Now Nini, this why we don't run out of the venue when we're bored." while running for their lives.

Only for Nini to groan in response, "Whatever dad" knowing that Sasha isn't going to let her leave his site for the rest of time they're in Paris.


Hello my lovely's, I know this chapter was bit shorter than others but bare with me. I hope that everyone enjoyed the chapter.

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