Chapter 3

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It has been a week since I landed on Greg and Charlie's doorstep. They have gone back to their usual routines, which leaves me a lot of time to potter around the flat and explore London. I have seen all the sights, doing the proper tourist thing. Charlie has promised to show me the 'real London'. I am unsure whether I should be excited or worried at that prospect!

Neither of them have questioned too much as to why I sought out solace here, I think that they are waiting for me to volunteer that information.

I find myself home alone today, in my pj's watching the rain fall. Having grown up in Ireland, the rain is nothing new to me, but I find the rain quite calming. In California (Where I have been living the past 5 years) the rain has been quite rare, it's almost a luxury when it comes. I don't visit Ireland so much anymore it doesn't feel like home, too many painful memories.

Typically me I run away from my problems. My mind starts wandering to memories I believed were long lost to me. Tears swell in my eyes, "No" I tell myself aloud "Don't go there Ali". I shake my head and turn on some music to help distract me. I listen to everything from Vivaldi to Lady Gaga, AC/DC to Queen.

I don't know how much time has passed nor do I care I'm dancing around the room like my life depends on it and singing at the top of my lungs to 'I want to break free' by Queen when I turn around to find Charlie standing in front of me, trying to restrain himself from laughing.

"Shit" I say "What are you doing here Charlie?"

I turn off the music

"I live here"

"Well duh, why are you back so early?" I say while trying not to die from embarrassment.

"I'm actually running late. I was suppposed to have been back an hour ago but a meeting ran late"

"Right, well are you hungry? I can heat something up for you"

"Thanks but I have plans I just need to change then I am heading out".

"Going anywhere nice?" I enquire

he shrugs his shoulders, looks a bit uneasy and rubs the nape of his neck.

"I'm meeting a friend for dinner"

"A lady friend?"


My stomach turns, I feel myself wanting to finish this conversation quickly, so I end with "Cool well have fun" I turnand head into my room. I quickly close the door and fall into the bed.

'He isn't yours', I tell myself, 'He doesn't owe you anything. Let him be happy with someone who can love him, unlike you. You bring unhappiness to everyone you touch'

"Shut up Shut up" I say to myself aloud, I hate this feeling like I can't even trust myself.

About 20 minutes later I hear the front door close and I put my head on my pillows and spend the rest of the evening feeling sorry for myself.

The next morning I am awoken by a noise in the kitchen. I head out to investigate the noise. The alarm clock says it's nearly 10am so I should be alone.

I find Greg in the kitchen fumbling about.

"Sorry, dropped the saucepan"

"Quite alright bruv", i say in a terrible english accent. he laughs

"Why aren't you at work?"

"Don't need to be in til lunch so I thought I would make us some brekkie"

"Sounds great"

Greg continues to make breakfast, I sit at the breakfast bar watching him.

I'm so glad that my being here has made him happy. At 5'10" he has wide shoulders and a slim frame. You can tell that he takes care of himself. Confidence exudes from him, with his jet black hair and piercing blue eyes and slim nose make him very attractive to women. What I love the most about him is when he laughs his entire body shakes. When he laughs it makes you laugh!

My thoughts are interrupted by a plate banging down in front of me with a gorgeous fry up on it, the whole shebang.

" I have great news Minnie, managed to get tickets for the gmae tomorrow (sat) Woo Hoo!"

"That's great, I'm sure you will have a blast. But please stop calling me Minnie. Minnie was so 10 years ago!"

"No matter how old either of us get, you will always be Minnie to me darlin'!

I sigh dramatically

"There really is no talking to you is there?"

"Nope none at all. anyway back to the match, be ready to leave at 12, match is at 2 and we are going for some food first"

"What, Why don't you just take Charlie?"

"Don't worry he is coming to"

"Is he ok with that?"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Dunno, just thought soccer was your guy bonding thing that's all"

"Minnie, you are one of us now and if we go you go"

I huff, "Fine I'll go but don't get embarrassed when I have to explain the offside rule"

"Oooh fiesty this morning Minn, what side of the bed did you get out of?"

I say nothing just smiled.

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