Chapter 13

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A month has past since I met Rachel. I already findthat my negative thoughts have lessened and Greg has commented that even my fashion sense has improved.                                                                                         "You look like a woman now Minn. Usually you have the whole tomboy look going for you, which is fine but it's nice to see you a bit girly"                                                                                                                                     "Greg I always wore jeans and t shirts before"                                                                                                           "Yeah but now you actually have a body shape, you can tell you are a girl"                                                         "grossly inappropriate bro" I say  while smiling                                                                                                         "Just trying to help" he says almost singing.

Charlie enters the kitchen from the bedroom area wearing a pair of shorts and an AC/DC t- shirt.             "Afternoon" says Greg

"It's not that late is it?" Charlie asks 

"I know you need your beauty sleep dude" Greg responds

"Bitch please, like I need it!!!" Charlie answers back and then starts posing .

I love these moments between the boys. they have such a wonderful dynamic, I can't help but laugh at their interaction. 

"Weirdos" I say to them and head to the bedroom to get dressed. Charlie's eyes follow me as I pass him and as our eyes meet he gives me his widest smile, I giggle in response.

"I love seeing you happy Al"

"It's a nice change of pace isn't it? I say 

We stand there looking at each other, neither of us making an effort to break the connection. As I stand there it's hard not to see Charlie's obvious charms.

"Get a bloody room you two!"Greg groans , "You are making me vomit"

"I feel just fine, how about you Ali?"

"Never been better" I say

"I'm going out for a bit , see you two later" 

"Bye" we both say in unison. Greg exhales loudly and turns to leave.

I decide the break the link with Charlie, "I'm going to go get changed, see you". he says nothing but continues to look at me.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing" he answers

"Come on Charlie, you are looking at something, spill"

"You have changed so much since we met... I like it"

"And which version of Ali do you prefer?"

"This one doesn't seem as angry"

"Maybe I'm settling down in my old age"
"maybe, or maybe it's because you now realise that the things that have happened to you wasn't your fault and you are starting to forgive yourself"

"I'm not sure I should have told you and Greg about what happened to me"

"Why would you say that?" charlie says while looking shocked.

"Well it seems you both have turned into wise old men, what's up with that?" he laughs aloud.

"We have always had that , we are just careful who we show taht side of us too"

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