Chapter 18

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"Say it again", Charlie says; "I'm falling in love with you Charlie Tho...." I cannot finish the sentence; his lips are on mine urgently, lovingly. His hands are on my back , in my hair, everywhere they can go they do! My hands are no better. They find their destination (wrapped around his neck).
We eventually separate and he looks at me apprehensively,"Are you sure about this Ali?" He asks with worry in his voice.
"Yes" I say confidently,"I wasn't sure whether or not to say anything but if I didn't I thought I might burst! I hope I didn't ruin any plans you might have had to say it"
"Not at all,if anything it's better because I know that they are your words not anyone else's"
"So", I ask,"Where do we go from here?"
"Anywhere we want darling, but for now I'm just going to spend the day with my girl!"
And it was a great day. We walked for ages, holding hands and laughing and talking.Charlie and I went home to change for dinner. It was late when we returned; we were both tired. Charlie walked me to my room door and wished me a goodnight and kissed me on the cheek before turning to leave. I didn't want our time together to end,"Charlie will you stay with me tonight,just to sleep"
"It would be my genuine pleasure Al"
I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Charlie went to his room to do the same. He returned a few moments later. By the time I finished he was already in bed. I jumped in next to him only to find that he was wearing only his boxers. He put out his arm and I snuggled up next to him. Everything about this scene was perfect. My hand was on his chest,stroking the hair, my head was resting on his arm. I was making mental notes of this moment so that it would forever be captured in my mind.
I was just about to fall asleep when I hear Charlie say,"Thank you for the best day of my life, I love you Ali"
I raise my head to look at him. His other hand is behind his head and he is looking down at me. I ask,"How does it feel to say the words?"
"Honestly it's pretty amazing"
"And you don't mind that it's just you and me, no trumpets and parades to accompany your declaration?"
"Haha no it's better this way,just you and me. How about you?"
"Dunno" I turn back and lie on his chest," A parade would have been nice too!"
I chuckle. He gives me a little squeeze and kisses me on the head.
"Goodnight baby" he says
"Night sweetie" I reply
"Sweetie huh? I like it!" He answers. As I'm lying on his chest I realise just how happy and grateful I am for this man. He is my last thought as I drift off to sleep and I have one of the best nights sleep I've had in months.

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