Chapter 14

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'Holy crap, parents!' I say to myself. I close the bedroom door and rush to put on some respectable clothes. I wear my black skinny jeans and white blouse and trying desperatley to tame my hair. i head towards the bathroom when a knock comes to the door."Crap" I say aloud, I head to answer it.It's Charlie.

"Ali wanna meet my parents?"

"What your dad is here too?" I whisper. He nods, double crap! "Do you really want me too?"

"Of course" he says and smiles, " I want them to meet my girl"

"Can we not tell them that?"


"That I'm your girl"

"well that's what you are, aren't you?" He proceeds to wink at me and gives me his devilish smile.

"I'm not sure what we are Charlie, for today can I just be Greg's sister?"

"I suppose", he says with a exagerated frown

"Thank you" I smile, "Let me just get ready"

"Ready? You look perfect now". He catches my arm and pulls me out the door. "Don't worry, they don't bite, promise"

Just before we enter the living room I take Charlie's hand. "I don't think you dragging me into the room to meet them is a good first impression, do you?"

"Hmmmm, good thinking" he says and releases my arm. "They will love you I promise" He puts his hand on my back and starts rubbing it. We look at each other, I am so grateful that Charlie looks as nervous as me although I'm not sure why that is a good thing. We are interrupted by a woman's voice.

"You must be Ali, lovely to meet you dear, we have heard so much about you!" She walks towards us and gives me a big hug. "I'm Trisha, mother to this one!" she and Charlie exchange smiles.

"Lovely to meet you Mrs. Cox, it's a pleasure"

"Trisha please. Mrs.Cox is too formal for family. Come meet Andy" She takes me by the arm and leads me further into the living room. We are met by a man about 6' tall, grey hair, thick glasses and warm features, very well dressed. He greets me warmly, "Hello Ali, pleaseure to meet you"

"And you too Mr.Cox" I reply

"Andy please"

"Andy". he smiles. I notice that Charlie has his nose but his mother's eyes.

"So what brings you guys over?" Charlie asks

"Greg invited us to dinner" Andy responded

"He did!" I say shocked, "he never mentioned it to us, did he?" I turn to Charlie, he shakes his head 

"He didn't, Oh well, at least we can start getting to know you Ali" Trisha says.

"That's great , anyone want a drink?" Charlie asks

"Sparkling water please" Andy says, "Nothing for me dear" Trisha answered and follows with, "Ali, sit down with me and tell me all about you, don't leave anything out!" She ushers me to the couch.

"Well ummm I ...there really isn't much to tell" I manage to stutter out.

"Don't mind Mom Ali, she is just playing with you, she has a wicked sense of humour" Charlie shouts for the kitchen.

"Oh right" I say while trying to politely laugh.

"Charlie has told us so much about you Ali and  we are so glad that you are here"

"Thank you Mrs...Trisha, but what exactly has he told you?"

"Well he said..." She was interrupted by the door and Greg falling through it while carrying many shopping bags. 

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