Chapter 4

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The match on Saturday went well. I was in between Greg and Charlie in the pub and during the game. I decided to pretend not to be bothered by the fact that Charlie didn't come home the night he met his lady friend.

In fact we had a lovely day. Their team Arsenal won 2-0 and they moved up the table to 3rd place or so I'm told.

We joined in with other fans singing on the streets and then decided to go back to the pub!

We had ordered our food and drinks when Greg got a phone call.

"I'll just be a minute, don't miss me too much". And he headed out the door.

There were a few awkward minutes where Charlie and I didn't speak. he was sitting opposite me in the booth. Every now and then our eyes met. About the third time that happened neither of us looked away.

While I have looked at him ( alot) since I have been here, this is the first time I studied his face. His brown eyes become golden in the light and his 3 day old beard surround his ample lips. I noticed that when he is about to speak, he lightly licks his lips, inhales then speaks.

Which is what he looks like he is about to do, get a grip Ali!!

" I'm glad that you are here Ali, in London. Greg needs a pick me up."

"Why? he seems fine to me"

"Well after everything that happened with Sofia, I didn't think he would ever be happy again, but once he knew you were arriving he perked up!"


"She was his girlfriend of nearly a year. He was crazy about her, she was always staying over, everytime we went out she was there...until she wasn't"

"What happened to her?"

"Well Greg wanted her to move in and be serious, she on the other hand wanted the neighbour from the sixth floor!"

"In your building!?" I exclaim

"Yeah", Charlie sighed and lowered his head, but then shot it up again, "Please don't tell him I said anything. I don't think he is ready to face it yet. But I am grateful you came when you did"

I smile at him not saying a thing, just trying to take it all in. Greg was always very private so I'm not entirely surprised he kept Sofia quiet.

After a moment Charlie asks, "What about you Ali? What's your story?"

"Me? Nothing much to tell really"

"I don't think that is true" , he smiles

I don't want to talk to him about me, not here, not now, so I try to turn the tables on him.

"What's your story Charlie?"

"I asked you first"

"What are we? 12?"

He chuckles, " Ok Ok, what would you like to know?"

"Tell me about you"

"There isn't that much to tell really" he is teasing me!

"I find that hard to believe, what about your family?"

"Well I was born in London, the youngest of 5 , 2 brothers 2 sister. They are scattered all over the world. My parents still live in London, just down the road really."

"What's your girlfriend like?" My breath hitches as I await the sickening details of how perfect this girl will be!

"I don't have a girlfriend, I haven't for a while", he pauses then sighs and continues " Just can't seem to find the right one I guess"

"What kind of girls do you like?"

I am trying to find out as much as I can about Charlie before Greg gets back. I look out the window and he seems ingrossed in his conversation, I turn back to face Charlie, who is looking at me curiously.

"You are very inquisitive today Ali, what's going on?"

" I have been living with you for a while now and to be honest we haven't really spoken in depth and I would like to know more about the man I am living with"

He turns his head slightly sideways and smirks. I see the lines of his face crease, his lines are defined around his eyes which is highly attractive. He maintains eye contact, then says "What if I told you I like you?"

His smile widens, my brain has gone blank and my mouth opens. This must have shown on my face. Charlie says nothing, giving me a chance to compose myself. Just as I try to get some words out both Greg and our food appears.

"Have I missed anything good?" he asks

Charlie answers," Nothing much, we are just getting to know each other".

Greg looks to me I simply nod in agreement and start playing with my food.The rest of the meal was uneventful. A bit of banter and stories and plenty of laughs.

We decide to walk home instead of getting a taxi as the ever rare sun was jsut setting. It highlights the beautiful London skyline.

"This place is perfect, I'm so glad that this is my home" Charlie states

"I have to admit it's pretty cool alright" I say

He nudges his shoulder against mine and we exchange glances.

As we continue walking my mind wanders to what he said at dinner, whether or not he meant what he said or if he was looking for a reaction. I tried to shake the thoughts when I see him out of the corner of my eye and I see that he is smiling to himself and I can't help but wonder what his lips would feel like, to be kissed by those lips, his stubble against my face and his hands on my body. My day dream is shaken when I feel myself being lifted up and spun around on Greg's shoulder.

"Minnie stop day dreaming and fly with us!"

I screech they laugh and Greg puts me back on the ground. We spend the rest of the walk talking about what we will do when we get home. We agree to put on a movie called Hot Fuzz. The three of us laugh our way through the movie then head to our beds. It has been a long but fantastic day.

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