Chapter 16

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Wednesday evening I decide to go for a run. Greg and Charlie are sitting watching a football match,a London derby Arsenal vs Chelsea. I turn to them before I go telling them that I will see them later, but frankly neither man hears me , they are too engrossed in the match.

I head out and take the stairs instead of the lift. When I get down to the front door I nearly crash into a man. Tall,dark and handsome was invented for this man. He was almost too beautiful.You could tell instantly that he likes to spend time in front of the mirror, not a hair out of place.

"I'm so sorry, please excuse me" I say, "No,please the fault was mine entirely" the stranger said."You are new here" he continued. "Yes, just staying here short term, been here a few months now" I reply."That's awful" he said to me, "How so?" I ask, confused. He smiles a wide smile , perfect teeth staring at me."You have been here so long and we have yet to be introduced."  "Well I like to keep to myself" I explain. 

"Have dinner with me" , he says matter of factly. "Ummm...thanks but no thanks I'm..."                               "dating,married,gay?" he interrupts.  "It's complicated " I say. "Don't worry, all I'm asking is just two people having food together .Where is the harm in that?"                                                                                      "Thank you, but I rather not"    "Suit yourself, but you don't know what you are missing girl!"           "I'm  sure I can imagine , thanks all the same"  "If you change your mind, here's my card" It read Owen Thorne, Associate. "Thank you Owen. Best be off now, goodnight" I turn to leave before he starts to talk again. That man was persistant, but what a jerk, I think as I start my jog. He is soon forgotten as I get lost in my own world while listening to my ipod.

On Friday morning, I awake to the noise of the door buzzer. I don't want to get up and answer it, but it's persistant. I put my pillow over my head to drown out the noise but it isn't going anywhere. Defeated, I get up and buzz the front door. I am met with a disgruntled delivery man holding a large bouquet of flowers, white lillies with a card attached. The man grunts something at me but I'm too tired to care. I close the door and put the lillies in a vase. I open the card and it reads; 

Dear Neighbour,                                                                                                                                                                                 Wonderful meeting you the other night.                                                                                                                         Won't you reconsider my offer of dinner?                                                                                                                   Owen Thorne       

How the hell did he find out where I'm staying I ponder. I still feel quite tired so I head back to bed for a while.

A time later I wake to Greg's voice. He sounds unhappy, which is really not like my brother. I head out and find him pacing the floor. "Everything ok Greg?"  "No, it fucking isn't Ali, he is doing it again"         "Who, Charlie?" "No, you should know ALI, you had a wonderful meeting with him the other night"   "What, you mean Owen?" 

"Yes of course I mean Owen!"     "Greg we spoke brieflly, before my run, Wednesday night. I get these delivered this morning. he is just trying his luck. I wouldn't worry about it" I say to try and apease him, it doesn't work. "Slimey bastard"    "Can you please explain what's going on, cos I'm seriously lost"

He looks at me, looking for signs of deception but seeing as I truly don't have a clue what's going on, he sees none. He stops pacing, takes  a few deep breaths and starts; "Owen is the guy Sofia left me for"  "What?" I laugh,"That guy, he spends more time in front of the mirror than I do!"

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