Chapter 22

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"Are you sure Al? You know I will never pressure you. We don't have too rush this".  "I know that Charlie, but it feels right and I'm like 95% sure that this time I won't cry!" I joke.
"Oh Ali"
"That's bad" he groans raising an eyebrow.
I put my hands on his chest and start unbuttoning his shirt slowly. I wanted to open them quicker but buttons and I never got on very well, so I try to be seductive opening them slowly. Charlie doesn't protest, he gives let's out a moan of encouragement. With his shirt open I begin kissing his chest. He puts his hand on the back of my head, pulling my hair slightly and his body responds to my touch. We begin kissing slowly, purposefully. I remove his shirt fully, letting it fall to the floor. Charlie removes my T-shirt and throws it across the room. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. My hands are in his hair as he starts kissing my neck. I let out a loud moan as his mouth leaves wet patches on my skin. He takes a few steps towards the bed and lays me down. As he is about to lay on top of me he stops, smiles and says "Better lock the door, don't want Greg walking in, checking up on us". He returns to the bed and lays next to me, we lay there for a few moments just looking at each other. I'm trying to take him all in, his eyes, the lines on his face, his beautiful smile.
"I love you" he says
" I love you"
He kisses me softly and a light moan escapes my lips. I can feel him smile as he pulls his body closer to mine. His warmth envelops me as we entwine with each other. He moves his lips down towards my neck. As I lay there enjoying every second of his touches unable to even form thoughts I feel him move lower from my neck to my chest all the way to my belly button. I writhe with the electricity flowing through my body. He stops when he reaches the top of my trousers.
He looks up at me one more time, silently asking for permission. I smile and nod and he starts to unbutton my trousers. I raise my hips to make it easier. He starts kissing me again, starting at my feet and working his way up my leg to my inner thigh. My hands are in his hair and my hips are rising to meet him and he gets ever closer to my sweet spot.  I groan when I can feel the cold in my legs where he just was. He kneels up on  the bed and unbuttons his jeans and removes them. I can see him growing with excitement. He returns to kissing me up and down my body. I cannot take this anymore I need him.
"Charlie please" he stops and raises is head
"Are you ok Ali?" He says smirking
"Charlie I need you. Please"
A wicked smile appears on his face. " Baby I want to play with you and enjoy every bit of you first. You are so fucking beautiful Ali"
"You aren't too bad yourself, please do me!!" I beg. He laughs and lies next to me, kisses me on the nose and asks if I would like to be on top. I nod. As I sit on his lap I start to feel very self conscious. I cross my arms my stomach. "Baby if you don't want to do this now that's ok,just please don't feel like you have too."
"I want to Charlie, but how can this body be good enough for you?"
"What? Baby, you are amazing. I adore every inch of you. Scars,warts and all!"
He laughs, " you know what I mean"
" This whole sex thing is quite daunting, whew Charlie I suck at this"
"Baby, stop putting yourself down. Listen let's just get dressed,grab a bite to eat and we can try this another time. Your head needs to be in it otherwise it isn't worth doing" When Charlie says this I feel disappointed. I want this, I want this man, I want to show him what he means to me.
"Thank you for being the best thing in my life. I adore you"
"And I you baby"
I kiss Charlie with all the passion I can muster, like my life depended in it. His responds, his hands on my back, my bum. We break apart and I undo my bra. His eyes wander down to my breasts. He cups them and starts kneading them and kissing them. As he is playing with them I kiss his neck, even giving it a bite. He suddenly stops what he's doing looks right at me and laughs. He then flips me over so he is back on top and he starts kissing me all over my body. My body reacts to each and every motion. I can feel myself throbbing,aching for him. I feel over whelmed by the desire I possess for him. When he removed his mouth from my stomach, I let out a whimper at the loss.
"Are you ready baby?"he asks
"Yes" is all I can reply.
He removed my underwear and buries his head between my legs. I gasp as I feel him lick my nub softly at first then picking up speed. I grab the sheets enjoying every second of this new sensation. I then feel him slide a finger inside me. "FUCK" I say aloud. "Are you ok?" I hear him say. "Don't stop" I practically yell at him. I can hear him laugh as he goes back to work on me. I don't know how much time has passed I can feel myself about to climax. " Charlie, yes, nearly, please, oh god" I mutter. One hand gripping the sheets the other in his hair I feel it rising and rising until I'm seeing stars! I'm breathing like I have just run a marathon. I'm light headed and I just lay there looking at the ceiling with a big stupid grin on my face. I don't even notice Charlie lay down next to me, propped up on his elbow.
"Are you ok?" He asks in a playful voice. I say nothing,just continue grinning. As I come down from my high I turn to Charlie and say,"That was wonderful, thank you baby."
He looks at me puzzled, "Baby that was just the warm-up, we haven't started yet."
He lays on top of me and asks if I am ready for round 2. I giggle like a school girl and he starts kissing and touching me so softly, sending shivers down my spine. When he feels that I am ready, he takes a condom from his jeans pocket and carefully puts in on. As he is doing this I look at him, taking in the sight that he is. He looks perfect; his hairy chest, toned thighs, impressive pen....
"Ali, are you alright? You seem to have zoned out".
I blush, "Just enjoying the view"
"Cheeky" he says with a kiss. He lays on top of me and we kiss. He lowers his hand down to my entrance and sees that I am more than ready for him. "Stop me anytime" he says kissing me softly in my nose. He opens my legs with his knee and positions himself. He looks at me and I know that he is looking for signs of doubt, but he finds none. He trails soft kisses up and down my neck. I groan loudly in appreciation. With one hand on his back and the other in his hair I whisper "I love you". Charlie then thrusts in time and I inhale loudly. My body is overcome with so many feelings and for the first time all the feelings are good. He keeps a steady pace and I do my best to follow. My breathing hitches as he fastens the pace looking for a release. I hold onto him tightly as I feel for the second time today that amazing overwhelming feeling of ecstasy.  "Charlie" I exclaim, waves of pleasure are still vibrating through me. Charlie thrusts into me a few more times before he buries his head in my shoulder and finds his own release. After a few moments he pulls out of me and disposes of the condom. When he returns we lay together, not saying anything but realising that our relationship has changed and I couldn't be happier. As we lay there I feel so free, lightheaded and giggly. "Are you ok baby?" He asks
"Is it always like that?"
"It is with me" he says with a shit eating grin on his face, " Do you feel ok? Did I hurt you?"
"I feel great, my body is still tingling. You could never hurt me love. Don't worry"
I start to feel a little cold so we scurry under the covers and Charlie puts his arm out and I nestle into him, his body feeling so warm.
" Thank you Charlie, that was perfect."
"No pressure for next time then", he says
" I dunno Charlie, I mean you were great and all but maybe I will move on to someone else. I have seen some of your best work, maybe I should give someone else a try"
"Oh yeah? You won't find anyone better than me" he boasts
"I think you are probably right. I love you Charlie Cox"

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