Chapter 11

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A week has passed since I told Greg and Charlie about what happened to me. I was nervous about how they would react and if it would influence the way they saw me, but I needn't have worried. If anything it brought us closer together. We had dinner together every night, each of us taking turns with the cooking. It became a competiton almost to see who could cook the most elaborate dish, Come dine with me style!

Tonight was Charlie's night to cook. He came in with 5 bags of shopping, chuffed at himself that he only needed to make one trip to get them all. I laugh at him and pretend to swoon at such manliness, he then starts flexing his arms. I help him unpack the food and offer to help, "Ok", he says, "But if Greg comes in, run away!" "Sir yes sir" I respond. He has decided to cook stuffed portobello mushrooms to start then a thai green curry for the main course.

He puts his hands on my shoulders as we are both facing towards the countertop,"Would you mind prepping the breadcrumbs and other bits for the mushrooms please?" "Sir yes sir". He chuckles I turn my head to look back at him, he returns my look, places a stray strand of hair behind my ear and puts his hand to my face. Without breaking eye contact he turns my shoulders and my body turns to face him.

"Thank you for trusting me with what happened to you. You can always trust me Ali, I promise you are safe here. You have a long road ahead of you, I want you to know that I am here in whatever capacity you need me"

"So if I need you to pick up my dry cleaning? Or if I need a lift, will you be my driver? Of if I need tampons you will do that?"

He grins,"That's the jist of it alright.

"What if I had a itch that needed scratching?"

"I would be there, might need to sharpen my nails first though!"

"What if I needed a kiss? Would you be available for that?"

"Yes ma'am I would be there fast as lightening"

As we are talking our faces are inching closer,I can feel his breath, smell his musk. I take everything about this man in, he is intoxicating.

"Well seeing as you are already here, can you help me with my itch?"

I don't know where this confidence is coming from and to be honest I don't care . All I know that in this moment all I want, all I need is a kiss from those delicious lips and there even more delicious owner.

"Can you show me where this itch is?"

"Here", I say pointing at my mouth.

"Hmmmm, ok let me see what I can do". He takes his index finger and uses it to raise my chin, he lowers his head and ever so softly I can feel his lips on mine. Feather like kisses rain down on my lips and I happily return them. My stomach is tossing and turning. This is quite possibly the best moment of my life.

His hands find my hips and he gently pushes me back until I can feel the counter behind me. My hands are on his body, working my way up to his hair. We continue this for a bit (not long enough!), Charlie puts his hands on my face and breaks our embrace. Disappointment floods me as my hands fall to my sides. I search his face looking for any indication as to what he is thinking, then he speaks, "You have to know by now how much I care for you" I nod, he continues, "I won't pressure you, I promise. I want you to know that I am here and I will wait as long as it takes for you to be ready"

"Ready for what Charlie?"

"Ready to be my girl", he winks at me, then smiles a wide smile,"When you are ready"

"Thank you Charlie" I say grateful that he understands that I won't be easy, tough times are ahead.

"But", I start, "we don't have to avoid each other, I mean people get itches all the time, even when times are tough so maybe you could be available every now and then?" I tilt my head, my idea of being flirty "It would be a genuine pleasure Al" He kisses my forehead. "Now back to the mushrooms, after the haddock flan Greg made, I have stiff competition so this has to be perfect"

"Yes sir" I say and turn back to the worktop, thoughts of the man 3 feet away flooding my head, a huge smile spreads across my face.

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