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A hard slap hit my face as I stood there with tears staining my eyes. "You're a girl Claire! I need you to act like one" my mom shouted as her voice echoed throughout our kitchen.

I give her a silent nod as she stands there with more anger building inside of her. "If I get one more phone call young lady-" she sticks her finger out.

She waved her finger in my face as she sucks on her teeth. "watch what'll happen" she says as she walks off.

I turn around on my heels wiping my tears with my sleeve. As the phone starts to ring forcing me to turn around again.

The cold breeze from the windows hit me as I answer the phone. "Hello?" I say quietly whispering into the phone.

"Hello?" the voice from the other end says back to me forcing me to stay silent for a moment. "I think you have the wrong number".

I tell the person on the other line as I end the call. My voice was high and squeaky from crying which made me want to talk even less.

I don't have time to move away from the phone until it starts ringing again. "Claire answer the phone!" my mom shouts which makes me quickly answer it.

I almost drop the phone catching it as I curse into the phone. "answer the phone Claire" I say mocking my mom repeating her words into the phone.

"who's Claire?" the person on the other line asked. I'm surprised when I find it's the same person from before. There voice made it hard to forget them, it was dark and seductive.

"I'm Claire — aren't you the guy from before? why'd you call again" I ask tapping my finger on the phone.

I move to the backyard door looking outside at the sky as it shined bright. "I called again to apologize" they tell me.

"okay apology accepted, goodnight" I say as i'm about to end the call when they quickly start talking in a rushed tone.

"Don't hang up! I wanna talk to you baby" They tell me making me twirl my hair with my finger.

My cheeks turn a light colour from the name. "i'm listening.. what do you wanna talk about" I ask curious.

"do you like scary movies?" I take a moment to think. I enjoy them deeply it was something I didn't tell a lot of people since my mom told me it wasn't lady-like.

She told me watching films were dumb and a waste of time for a girl like me. I should be spending my time on better things.

Which according to her is studying, gardening, cleaning, and even cooking. I hate all of those things besides the gardening and cooking part.

"Yeah I do" I whisper into the phone. I hear my mothers footsteps and a big tug from behind forcing me to fall onto the floor.

I scream in pain as I notice I fell into my cats food bowl. My mom grabs the phone holding it up to her ear clearing her voice.

"I'm sorry but it's quite late for Claire to be talking to people, she'll see you at school" she says as she hangs up.

I get up holding onto the counter. My mom flips her head towards me squeezing her eyes shut for a second.

"you have until the count of 3 to get upstairs or i'm calling your father and telling him you're not in bed"

I let out a shaky breath as I rush up the stairs. I run into my room closing the door silently as I fall onto my bed.

I look down at my elbow seeing the bruise making me rub it hoping that it would do something.

Sadly it doesn't, but that wasn't my biggest worry. My mind wondered off other places like what was that strangers name.

I wonder if they heard my mom .. that would be embarrassing to cover up. I hope they call me again and I get to talk to them.


I get out of my car walking into school holding the straps of my backpack tightly.

The sun shinned bright today which made me smile a bit. I walk to my locker opening it putting my backpack inside.

"Boo!" I hear Tatum say causing me to jump as she giggles. I look beside her to see her boyfriend Stu.

"You scared me Tatum!" I say lightly punching her shoulder. She rolls her eyes at me as Stu places his hand above Tatums head against the locker.

"How come you didn't call me after school" Tatum asked me which causes me to straighten my back. I suck on my bottom lip.

My mom was to busy lecturing me for me to even notice the time. I couldn't tell Tatum that it would break her heart.

"I was helping my mom out with stuff" I say as I close my locker. I see Stu staring at me like he could tell I was bluffing. Was it obvious?

"It's okay I forgive you" Tatum says giving me a hug as the bell rings. "I gotta get to class bye!" Tatum says pecking Stu on the cheek as she waves at us.

Stu stares at my elbow making me bring it down from the locker "What happened to your arm sweetheart?" he asked me. The nickname made me feel like I was flying.

Stu grabbed my arm looking at the bruise. I quickly pull it back. "Nothing" I couldn't think of a lie fast enough to cover this one up.

"You know i'm always here to talk right?" he told me as he towered over me sending me butterflies into my stomach.

"Yeah I know" I say as I look at the now empty hallway making my heart race up. "I-I have to get to class I can't be late Stu"

"Talk to you later sweet cheeks" he says as he walks backward pointing two fingers at me with both of his hands making a fake gun.

first chapter hope you like it !!

My girl | Billy Loomis ✔️Where stories live. Discover now