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Billy and Stu dropped me home but stayed for a while. They had decided that they couldn't fully trust me. I was still terrified and refused them to be anywhere near me but that didn't stop them.

"We're so glad to have you home Claire" My mom told me as I stay silent in my seat. Billy was sitting beside me and Stu was sitting across.

From time to time I would side eye Billy. If I was being honest I was terrified that he would do something at any moment.

"Claire" My father called out causing me to flick my head towards him. "You're alright with Chicken right?"

I nod in response as my mom turns around frowning at me. "Did we leave our manners at the hospital Claire?" I shake my head as I place my hands in my lap.

"Yes father" My mom smiles as she heads towards the table holding chicken in one hand and salad in the other.

She sat down between Stu and my dad as he took a seat. My mom let everyone dig in as she started talking.

"I'm sorry about Sidney, Billy I knew you guys were close and everything" My mom tells him. I knew the truth.

The fact that Billy didn't give a shirt about Sidney and he was just using her. He manipulated her and I hated that I stood there watching it happen.

I let out a shaky breath that didn't go unnoticed by Billy. His hand touched my thigh as he rubbed it showing me a sign of comfort.

I frozen and stared down at my food. I stabbed my fork into my chicken as my mom continued talking to Billy.

"Me and Claire have something we would like to announce" Billy says as he turns to smile at me. I knit my eyebrows together. What was he talking about?

Billy than grabbed my hand gently. I'm confused by his action as I look over at Stu than at my parents.

"Me and Claire are together" I widen my eyes as my mom squeals with joy. My father lets out a light chuckle filled with happiness.

My mouth was wide open as I look over at Billy with betrayal written all over my face. How could he do something like that without even asking me. Than again when has Billy ever asked me before doing something.

"Claire this is amazing! I'm so happy for you two" My mom said as she smiled at me. "Mom me and Billy —" I feel Billy press his foot onto my mine causing me to hiss.

The table goes silent causing everyone to look at me. "Me and Billy are so happy to announce this.. fantastic news" I say gritting through my teeth.

Billy removed his foot from mine and my mom gets up smiling. She grabs all the empty dishes going towards the sink preparing to wash them.

I didn't want to move, I didn't feel like doing anything at all beside letting the earth crack open and eat me up.

I hated this feeling. The feeling that everyone was against me. How blind were my parents to not even notice that there own daughter was lying.

Billy clears his throat as my father leaves the room leaving me, him, Stu and my mom in the kitchen.

"Let's head to you're room" Billy suggested as I stare at him with worry in my eyes. They wouldn't do anything. Not with my parents in the house.

I nod as I go to grab my crutches but Billy quickly gets up helping me. My mom turns around smiling at us.

I flick his arm away from me grabbing my crutches harshly. "I can do it myself" I tell him scoffing as I look at Stu who stands there clueless.

We head upstairs into my bedroom. I walk in first leaving the door wide open. But sadly, Billy closes the door.

I sit down on my bed leaving the crutches beside my bed. I look up at Billy and Stu as they let out a breath they've been holding in.

"The air feels a lot better upstairs" Stu mentions. I don't think the air feels different but it could be that my room just smells good.

"Well, what are we doing up here?" I ask as I glance around the room. My room was sorta bland I haven't been back here since the night I went to Sidney's.

I glance at them titling my head as I waited for them to respond to me. "Do you like your parents Claire?" Billy asked me oddly.

That was such a weird question to ask someone. I mean obviously I liked my parents. They were my parents for god sake!

"Why wouldn't I like my parents?" I ask him confused. He leans against my dresser as Stu takes a seat on my chair.

"Don't you get annoyed from the way you're dad talks to you" He asked me as Stu started messing with my desk.

"No" I say giving him a cold stare. I knew what he was trying to do and I wouldn't follow through with it. He wanted to kill my father.

"Well what about your mom?" He asked me as he squinted his eyes before looking down at the bedroom floor.

"Surely you're annoyed of her I mean I am most certainly" He said letting out a light chuckle as he looked up to face me again.

"Do not talk about my parents like that!" I say as I grab a fist full of my sheets. I kept them clutched in my hand.

Instead of replying back to me a smirk lands on his face as he looks over at Stu. Stu was busy playing with the magazines I had on my desk.

He opened a drawer that revealed a stack of comic books, a gum packet, and empty wrappers. Stu picked up one of the books waving it in his hand.

"I never knew you read — comic books" He said pausing as he opened them gently flipping through the pages scanning them.

"Don't touch that" I say as I get up grabbing my crutches. I rush over to the desk grabbing the comic book putting back in the drawer before I close it.

"Why so aggressive?" I frown at him. " I promised Randy I would give them back to him" I tell Stu firmly.

A part of me truly believed that nothing happened to Randy, Sidney, and Tatum. There all on this big vacation and one day they'll come back.

Stu's eyes softened as he looked at me. "Claire, Randy is dead as long as everyone else from that night"

Billy hands me a pill and a plastic water bottle I had in my room. "Enough bricking, Claire take this and go to sleep"

"No" I tell him as I make my way towards my bed sitting back down placing my crutches onto the ground gently.

Billy grabs my face "your going to take it by yourself or i'm going to make you take it" He tells me letting go of my face placing the pill into my hand.

I stare at the pill than up at him as he hands me water in my other hand. I take the pill chugging the water afterwards.

My girl | Billy Loomis ✔️Where stories live. Discover now