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"Come on Claire don't be such —" Tatum tells me as she opens the curtains of the changing room. She squeals as Sidney stands there holding a few other dresses in her hand.

"Doesn't she look stunning!" Tatum asked as she turned around to look at Sidney than back at me with wide eyes and a smile on her face.

"Stop being so shy and come out!" She told me as she grabs me by my hand dragging me out. She lets go of my hand and I stare at myself in the mirror.

"Do you not like it Claire?" Sidney asked me as she stands beside me. I glance at her through the mirror as I fix my dress.

"We've been here for a awfully long time and I think we should head home" Sidney says as Tatum crosses her arms.

"If Claire doesn't like the dress than we have to keep looking! first dates are important" I shake my head as blush lands onto my cheeks.

"Don't you want Randy to think you look hot" Tatum asked as she wraps her arm around my neck from behind letting her arms drop.

I let out a breath as I turn around to face them. "You're right! let's keep looking" I tell them as Tatum stops smiling. She gives me a cold look that makes me confused.

"What's the matter Tatum? if you're tired we can go somewhere else" I suggest. Sidney touches my shoulder. "Claire, I think you should wake up"

I squint my eyebrows confused. "Wake up from what?" I ask as I look over at Tatum. "You have to let go of us Claire".

"Good things are coming you just need to be patient Claire" Tatum tells me as I back up from the confused.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask as I lick my lips bumping into the mirror behind me. "Wake up Claire" Sidney says shaking me.

"Wake up!" She screamed.

I wake up panting and sweating. I let out a small scream as I sit up straight. Billy gets up quickly from beside me.

"What's the matter? did someone break in" He asked as he stared at me. I shake my head as my breathing was heavy.

I bit the inside of my cheek. It was just a dream, but what if Sidney, Tatum, and Randy are out there? and this was them giving me a message.

"Claire?" Billy called out my name causing me to turn to face him slowly. I wipe the sweat off my face, "Yeah i'm alright — I had a nightmare that's all"

I gulp as I look straight at the wall ahead of me "I'm going to go get water" I tell him. He nods slightly as he lays back down.

"If you need help just call my name and i'll come running" He tells me I give him a slight nod.

I get out of bed making sure I grab my crutches before heading downstairs. I make sure I don't make to much noise when I grab a cup from the kitchen cabinet.

I pour water into the cup. I take a big gulp of it, I lip my lips thinking back at the dream I just had. I wonder what Billy was doing in my house. Why hadn't he gone home?

I put the cup into the sink washing it. I wipe my hands with my shirt before I hear muffled talking.

My parents room was downstairs while mine was upstairs along with a different bedroom that we called the guest room.

I head over to there room placing my ear onto the door listening to them talk. "We can't just move are you nuts!" My father said.

"Think of Claire for once in your life, she's gone through so much and you want to be selfish and stay in this crazy town!" My mother yelled back.

"You better keep your voice down if you don't want her hearing about this" My father said to my mother.

I was confused, my mind was spinning. They wanted to leave this town. Wait a minute.. they wanted to leave this town!

That meant we would leave Billy and Stu. I would finally get away from them. I would get to live somewhere far away from them.

I was to busy smiling to notice Billy creeping up behind me. "What are you doing?" He whispered as he grabbed my arm.

I turned around as I shook my smile off.
"I was just-" He digs his nails into my skin as I let out a small screech.

I hear movement from behind the door causing Billy to let go of my arm. My parents open the door and stare at us.

"Claire, Billy?" My father says as he looks at us both. "What are you guys doing up at this hour!" Billy's eyes soften as he loosens his posture.

"Claire and me were hungry so came down to get a snack" Billy says with confidence. My mom stares at us.

"I would appreciate it if you're snack wasn't at this hour Billy.. but you are a guest so I suppose it wouldn't hurt for a small mid-night snack"

I look at my dad as he digs daggers into me. It felt like I was being tested for something. Billy turns around "We'll head up to our room than" he says as he gestures me to walk ahead of him.

"We would like to talk to Claire firstly before she heads upstairs" My dad says as Billy turns around smiling. "of course" he says gritting through his teeth.

Billy leaves and my parents immediately start talking to me. "Claire, me and your mother have decided that it would be best if we moved"

A smile crawled onto my lips that I quickly wiped away with a sad look. I look over at my mom than my dad.

"We think it's best if we start fresh.. if this is to much you can tell us" They tell me as i'm to busy thinking about my brand new life away from this mess.

"I'm fine with it" I tell them with a small smile on my face. My dad nods at me than heads back into his room.

"If you want you're boyfr-" I immediately cut my mom off. "No! I mean he's probably fine here he loves this town" I say quickly.

"I'll be heading upstairs to you know break the news to him.." I say as I turn around heading back up the steps.

My girl | Billy Loomis ✔️Where stories live. Discover now