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My mother had gotten me to wear a dress tonight for dinner. Not only was Billy coming tonight but it was the first dinner would have with my dad since he got back from his business trip.

I waited patiently as my mom did my hair. "Remember we're going to be nice to the boy he's being accused of murder so let's avoid the whole Casey, Sidney drama" my mom tells me as she combs my hair.

"Mom do you think he really committed those murders? I mean what if he did and we're letting him into our house —" my mom slapped me causing me to look down at my lap shamelessly.

"Claire! he is a guest at our house and we will not ask him such questions am I clear!" She asked me and I nodded.

I could never have a conversation with my mom without her getting mad or upset easily it made me upset to think about.

My mom stops combing my hair and we go downstairs into the kitchen. My mom takes the brownies she made out the oven to cool for a bit.

My father was sitting at the table with his newspaper reading the local news. He was most likely concerned about the local murders that happened.

The door bell buzzed and my mom sprinted towards the door as I followed behind her. She swung the door open and greeted Billy.

Billy wore a nice white collared shirt and blue jeans. He looked like he was taking someone out on a date in my opinion.

I smile at Billy as he takes off his shoes, my mom quickly leads him into the kitchen making small talk with him.

My dad sees him and sets his newspaper down getting up to shake his hand. "You must be the Loomis boy i've heard so much about" he says smiling.

"That's me" he smirks as my dad takes his seat. "Please take a seat" he gestured as Billy sat down beside me.

My mom came over placing the pasta she made onto the table. I stayed silent as I watched my mom. She grabbed the plate of brownies placing onto the table as she sat down.

"Please dig in! I hope you like pasta" she says smiling. We all place a bunch of pasta onto our plate. I grab one brownie and decide to eat it first.

"Claire eat your salad first" my mom tells me making me frown. "I already started eating my brownie" I tell her pouting.

She rolls her eyes as I enjoy my brownie. "So do you work?" My dad asked Billy as he ate. Billy shakes his head "No, but i'm looking for a job" he tells my dad.

"That's fantastic see I know a place that's hiring I can totally get them to hire you" My dad says as Billy looks uninterested in conversation.

He nods in response. I sit there some my plate, I was a pretty quick eater I didn't take long which most of the time was a good thing since I didn't enjoy my parents company.

"your excused Claire" my mom tells me and I get up grabbing my plate and cup washing it in the sink.

"You're dating that Sidney girl aren't you the one that lost her mother a year ago" My dad asked Billy as my mom nudged my mother slightly.

"Just making conversation.. isn't her mother's anniversary around this week?" My dad asked waiting for an answer.

My mom took a moment to think as she looked back at my dad. "Yeah it is i'll have to drop by there place to give my condolences they must be going through a ruff patch"

Billy finished his plate and stood up heading over to me placing it on the counter beside the sink. I glance at him as I take his plate rinsing it.

"You're parents always like this?" he asked me and I let out a soft giggle. "Yeah there usually more I don't know quite, you're lucky you came back the day after my dad came back from his trip"

Billy huffs out a light chuckle as he looks at my parents staring at them as they talked about business.

My mom appears from behind me "Alright i'll handle it from here why don't you take Billy to your room" she told me and I nod wiping my hands with a cloth.

Billy and I walk up the stairs and for some reason Billy walks in front of me like he knows where my room is.

He walks right in sitting down on the bed. I close the door sitting down beside him. "Claire can I be honest with you?" he asked me.

I nod. "I don't want you hanging out with Randy anymore, he's not a good person.. he's been trying to get with my girlfriend for god knows how long"

I'm shocked by what Billy was asking me. He wanted me to stop talking to Randy? the silly goofy guy who barely remembers to brush his teeth at night Randy.

"You aren't serious are you" I ask in annoyance. Billy stays silent as I process this even more. "You don't get to show up in my life one day and decide who I hang out with Billy that's not how this works"

"Do you not trust me Claire? I'm trying to do what's best for you.. I thought you'd understand that but I guess not" He says frowning.

Suddenly I felt bad, it felt like he was trying to get me to apologize to him. So what if I stopped talking to Randy just for a few days.

It will lighten up Billy and make him leave me alone than so be it. "Okay I won't talk to him.. but only for a while" I tell him.

He smirks at me. Billy gets up and looks around my room taking in the little bits of it. He stops at my desk as he holds up a frame.

"You still have this?" He asked me. It was the same frame from freshmen year the one with me, Casey, Billy, Stu, Steve, and Randy.

"Yeah I kept it safe" I tell him as I stared at the frame. Billy does the same, "I've never liked Steve from the get go did you?" he asked me as I itched my neck.

"He was alright I didn't hate him or anything" I tell him as he places down the frame. "What about Casey?" This felt like an integration.

Did Billy think I killed Steve and Casey is that why he was asking me all these questions. "I didn't kill Steve and Casey" I blurt out.

Billy turned his head quickly shocked by what I was saying. "I never said you did Claire I was just asking you a bunch of questions"

"I think I should get going anyways it's late plus we have school tomorrow" He tells me as he walks over to my door.

I get up following him downstairs. "Tell your mom the dinner was fantastic we should definitely do this again sometime"

I shake my head as I smile "You wish" I tell him opening the door for him as he walks out waving at me.

I close the door and hear faint talking in the other room. My parents were talking in my dads study room.

I walk over there ears dropping as I place my head onto the door listening in. "We can't just send her away are you mad!" My dad shouted.

"Well I don't wanna wake up one day and find a knife in my stomach and I'm assuming you don't either" My mom yelled back at my dad.

"Hunny there's a killer after her if we let her stay here than they could come after us too! It's best if we send her off to her friends house her brother is a cop"

"She'll be safe plus I heard the Sidney girl is staying there too.. it's not the worst idea we're doing what's best for her" I felt my whole world break down.

They wanted to send me away? Just so they could be safe and sound.

My girl | Billy Loomis ✔️Where stories live. Discover now